Brighton has several
things to recommend it (and perhaps some that don't), but if you can
withstand the high tweeness rating North Laine is an area of the town
which retains original buildings, many of which have changed their role
in the community. In North Road where the Komedia Club can be found is
the former public house:
In an area
full of vegetarian, vegan and specialist
restaurants, whole food emporia and clothing shops and boutiques this
former pub is commemorated by a 'brass plaque' type of lettered
moulding on the fascade above the first floor windows of a the retail
premises now called Velvet.
Not far away in Sydney Street, even higher up, is a cartouche moulding
advertising the business which used to operate there.
(replete with full stop) is incised into the cement,
possibly tinted,
or taking its red colouring from the brickwork beneath.