by Bernard
Noted sculptor Bernard Reynolds certainly left his mark on the
town, in this case – and that of the Ship sculpture on Civic Drive –
long after the accompanying building had been
Late 1990s
Above: the view of the front of Suffolk College, formerly The Civic
College, with the Pylons at
left standing either side of the entrance (see also the canopy
extending from the entrance doors); photograph courtesy The Ipswich
Society's Image Archive (see Links).
2014 images
These photographs indicate the range of symbology and iconography
standing in relief from the surface of the two pylon faces.

Reynolds has focused on mathematics and technology with the infinity
symbol appearing thrice.

Tucked away in a lower corner are the artist's initials: 'BR'.

Above: with the autumn rain pouring down, the depth of the casting can
be seen. The metalwork is supported by two concrete uprights which are
set onto brick piers.
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Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
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