University of Suffolk
Rebranded from University Campus Suffolk (UCS) in 2016, this
fairly new higher education institution has properties on either side
of the east-west stretch of Fore Street. Behind the former Students'
Union building in Long Street is a more recent block bearing
calligraphy – but writ large. Screened by vegetation for much of the
year, these photographs of the lettering were taken in the winter.
2016 images
" enthusiasm. [Greek word] ENTHVSIASMVS
1. Lit. BEING possessed by a God
2. passionate eagerness. 3. 'A CRAZE' "

The characters are cut into the buff brickwork with the
look of the angle-grinder about them. Intaglio
letterforms infilled with cross-hatching. The curves, consistency and
clarity suggest
either a skilled hand-cutter or some element of computer control in the

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throughout the Ipswich
Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
No reproduction of text or images without express written permission