We're in the local press

This article appeared in the Ipswich Star and the East Anglian Daily Times (Saturday February 9, 2013). We supplied the material and images to our chums at The Ipswich Society and this article on 'ghost signs' in Ipswich has been part of a sequence in the local Ipswich press used to promote the Society, and (we hope) interest the reader. See below for the live links to these lettering examples as they appear on this website for further information.
Ipswich Historic Lettering: EADT article

Top centre: Elliott Street Bakery; top left: R.H. Kent (and H.W. Turner); top right and below: Ransomes; Scarborrow; bottom row: Family Grocer; Rose & Crown Brewery; Palmer's Door Mats, Symonds for Kodaks.


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©2004 Copyright throughout the Ipswich Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
No reproduction of text or images without express written permission