Ransomes (Electric
lorry garage
/ warehouse), Wykes Bishop Street (the 4 medieval hamlets),
The Happy Returns pub, Albion
Street, Ballast Wharf Walk, Cliff Road,
lawn mowers, Ransomes today
of the greatest names in engineering
and a company at the heart of the industrial expansion of Ipswich until
the late twentieth century, Ransomes has all but disappeared from
modern Ipswich. Disappeared apart, that is, from the name of the
industrial estate on the
site of their
Nacton works: 'Ransomes Europark' and the renamed The Robert
Ransome public house on Tower Ramparts (now reverted to 'Yates'), after
the iron-founder who set
up his foundry nearby in 1789 (see Plaques).
It wasn't until December 2013 that our attention was drawn to a nearby
lettered 'Ransomes' warehouse (scroll down for the new images).
Ransomes electric lorry
garage (Premier Pool Club)
However, we initially noticed the shadows of old
lettering high
up on the building which used to be called Island House in Wykes Bishop
Street (see below) off Duke Street.
Once the home of Five Castles Press and, until the 1980s, boasting a
tiny docklands pub on the opposite corner of the block: The Happy
Return (it can still be seen amongst the new dockside regeneration
flats ; see below for images). At that time, part of the building was
Premier Pool Club
staging occasional concerts by local rock bands, later a social club in part of a building
used by Ransomes as garaging for their electric lorries. [See
UPDATES below.]
below the central circular window,
which one assumes was left as an open vent in earlier times, the grime
which surrounded the 'RANSOMES'
letters still
clings to the brickwork
undimmed by the green and black staining from above. Is there a date
('1819'?) just below it? This doesn't seem right as Ransomes' St
Margaret's Ditches Works Manager William Worby wasn't asked to find a
new overspill site for the company until 1837; the move started in 1841
and was completed eight years later. (see Reading
List for C. & M. Weaver's history of Ransomes). The 'ghost'
date needs more investigation; perhaps '1910'
is more likely. (As you can see in the Ransomes warehouse lettering
below, the date could be '1919'.) See the 1881 map below.

Ransomes' Orwell Works on the east side
of the Wet Dock around 1865
(engraving above). The viewpoint is from an imaginary helium balloon
which hovers over End Quay or Tovell's Wharf on the 'island'. A steam
engine pulls trucks along the dockside tramway while several ships are
tied up at the quay. The gasometer is at the right. This was a large
site of, in some cases,
buildings now all swept away (apart from our example in Duke Street, of
course, which would have been further to the right of this image). We
assume that Bishop's Hill can be seen rising away from the river basin
at the top right; not sure where the windmill would have stood, though
(visible on the left horizon).
Ploughs and tillage machinery, steam engines, grass-cutting
equipment, trolleybuses, threshers, tractors, combines,
trucks and more – the range of products made by
Ransomes of
Ipswich is perhaps the widest of any similar British manufacturer. From
Robert Ransome's small workshop in 1789, the company grew to
employ 3,000
and to export all over the world. Having the large Orwell Works between
Wherstead Road and New Cut West, then extending to the Nacton Road site
on the edge of town, this faded lettering is all that is left of this
massive enterprise on the riverside.
A note about Robert Ransome's original foundry
in Old
Foundry Road accompanies the 'Lectures' lettering behind the County Library.
One has to travel to Hadleigh to see
Ransomes celebrated in fine style in public lettering on their town
[UPDATE 7.12.2011: "Wet Dock 1936 recollections. I
worked at
RSJ Orwell Works as office boy at the quayside spares Forwarding
Department managed by white haired Spencer Hazell. The quayside
featured a large grey painted gate where a weigh-bridge accomodated the
railway track. Behind the weigh-bridge was the Engine Turnery. The
forwarding department's windows looked across to the wet dock to
the Public Warehouse. Next along the quayside was the spares warehouse
with Charlie Sergeant in charge then lastly the foundry then the
GasWorks with its cranes and heaps of coke. Hope this will fill a
little gap. The building with the red door [in the top image above] garaged
Ransomes made electric lorries. Upstairs was a canteen where workers
could eat their packed lunches and buy a cup of tea for one old penny
which means 240 cups for one pound.Yours
sincerely, Tony Adams." Many thanks,
[UPDATE 25.11.2012: "I have
just discovered your sites on Ransomes and local street names, I
feel I must make contact to congratulate you on some superb visual
I was born and bred in Ipswich, served my apprenticeship at Ransomes
(later, travelling the world for them) and even have a street with my
name on it!
As well as working beside the Dock, I kept various boats there for many
years and am still having "an affair" with it through the Ipswich
Maritime Trust of which you know - and possibly also my brother Stuart
who maintains our photographic archive. (15 years ago I organised "Sail
Ipswich '97")
A specific detail regarding Ransomes old garage and canteen . I
remember (and used) it well. As well as keeping the electric lorries
there (I can still hear the drive chains "clicking"!), there was a
sideways tilting platform there on which trolley bus stability was
tested - there were retaining ropes to catch the bus if it went too
far. I was at RS&J from '53 to '66 and was deeply involved in the
from Orwell to Nacton Works. There's a great deal more in my head which
someone, somewhere, sometime
might value! - Mark Grimwade" We
look forward to it.]
2013 image
Above: the lettering in 2013, partially obscured by a
plastic sign.
By 2015, the building is split between Glass & Splashbacks on the
ground floor and The Music Room above. The 'Ransomes' lettering shadow
is once again claerly visible.
2015 images
The 2017
photographs (below) show clearly that the some of the upper edges of
the 'Ransomes' capitals – in a different font to the example in Cliff
Road, shown further down this page – bear traces of a pale paint. Also,
the dirt washing down from the central circular window picks out the
traces of numerals below the letter 'O'. It looks like a '2' and an
'8'. Given that a date of '1928' would be well off-centre, one wonders
if this is Shed 28 on the Ransomes Orwell Works complex.
2017 images
Why 'Wykes Bishop'? The four ancient
hamlets of Ipswich
Wykes Bishop Street, tiny though it is today,
interesting derivation. The Bishop's Wick, or Wicks Episcopi as it was
sometimes called, was one of the four ancient hamlets of Ipswich: Wykes Bishop, Wykes Ufford (see our St Clement Church page for a passage on
this by G.R. Clarke), Stoke
and Brookes*). Wykes
Bishop is the area to
the south of Felixstowe Road which now
includes Bishops Hill, extending to
the river and including Holywells Park where the residence of the
Bishop of Norwich stood within the extensive moat (fed by the local
springs) much of which can still to be seen (the Bishops Hill page
shows this on a map of the early 1930s). The site would have given
Bishop a splendid view of the town and port. Wykes Bishop continued in
the hands of successive bishops from 1235 until the properties of the
diocese were exchanged for those of St Benet's Abbey by Henry VIII.
Source: Robert Malster's 'A-Z', see Reading List.
It is fascinating that all this history is commemorated in the name of
tiny road. In fact, as one can see on the 1881 map of the area, Wykes
Bishop Street used to run all the way from Fore Hamlet, with a little
kink in the road at Little Wykes Bishop Street and into the 'stub' of
the street which survives today. Joseph
Pennington's map of 1778 labels Back Hamlet and Fore Hamlet as
'Wykes Ufford Hamlet' and 'Wykes Bishop Hamlet' respectively (and,
incidentally, Duke Street as 'Duck Street'); thus, the derivations of
the use of 'Hamlet' are preserved in the street names still used today.
(*Brooke’s Hall appears on our Brickyards
page under the heading ‘Broomhill brickyard’.)
The four medieval
hamlets of Ipswich

remarkable map (as at 1086, the date of Little Domesday) is taken from
Robert Malster's A history of Ipswich
(see Reading list). It shows the medieval
delineated by the rampart – dug during the Danish occupation of the
town AD 879-918 – in the centre (along with part of Over Stoke south of
the ford at Great Whip Street, presumably part of the parish of St
Peter). There is a certain amount of conjecture about the delineation
of the hamlets surrounding the town, however, this is the only map of
the area to show them we have seen. It is immediately notable how big
the 'hamlets' were. We must not think of these hamlets as in the more
modern definition of a small settlement/collection of dwellings without
its own church.
Wicks Ufford was later named
after the Earls of Ufford, which was an area north-west of Bishops Hill
in the direction of Back Hamlet. In 1764 Kirby's Suffolk traveller placed
Westerfield Church in Wicks Ufford, so that may have been the outer
limit. Rushmere church lies just outside the hamlet.
Wicks Bishop (Wicks Episcope or
Bishop's Wick) was an area between Bishops Hill and the river Orwell.
Brookes seems to be the largest
in area and just includes the
medieval Church of St Botolph (today the Church of St Mary and St
Botolph at Whitton, it remains within the Borough boundary), although
it excludes a church at Thurleston. Brookes includes the Roman site at
Castle Hill and Brooks Hall (which appears on our Brickyards page).
Stoke this hamlet belonged to
Ely Abbey and encompassed the fore-runner of St Mary-At-Stoke Church.
It ran down the west bank of the Orwell to Belstead Brook, then along
that watercourse to a probable mill site (labelled above 'Millpond
Bruffex'), then up past the 'Holy Well' (see below) to Crane Hill – a
main route into the town still – then off to encompass the land up to
today's Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate, then following the
Gipping/Orwell back to Stoke Bridge.
Greenwic relates to Greenwich,
otherwise known as Greenwich Farm (see Street
name derivations). By the time of Domesday in 1086 it seems that
Greenwic is outside the borough boundaries, but was later transferred
ino the borough.
It's interesting to note that Bob Malster included on the map
'Holywells' in Bishop's Wick, the home of the Cobbold family (the name
being an invention applied to their house and park) and a more genuine
'Holy Well' to the western boundary of Stoke hamlet. The latter is
probably where a hoard of gold torcs (Iron-Age solid necklaces) was
discovered in 1968 (on the site of Holcombe Crescent in
Chantry/Belstead Hills).
See also the Grand Ipswich Timeline
for context.
Ransomes on the map
Compare this 1881 detail map with that on our Ransomes site page dated 1867, which
includes further analysis of the street names and layout here.
1881 map
'John Street' running from the top centre of the map detail is a
continuation of Duke Street; that it is what we call it today. Duke
Street curves eastwards after the Wykes Bishop Street junction and has
through the housing shown to meet up with a truncated Myrtle Road
(visible at bottom right) at a modern roundabout. Focusing on the 'L'
shape at the lower end of Wykes Bishop Street (the bit we see today),
is clear that the Ransome Electric Lorry Garage, not
surprisingly, did not exist in 1881. There were several
small houses in the space it occupies, but the 'P.H.' which is where
the former Happy Return public house stands, at number 73 Wykes Bishop
Street – at the junction with Albion Street –
illustrates the large missing portion of the thoroughfare. The
building is
still there (see photographs below). One can see how close this site is
to the
south-east corner of the huge Ransome's Orwell Works, so it would be a
place to put an extra works building.
See also the 1867 map detail of the east
bank of the Wet Dock.
The Happy Return public house,
1 Wykes Bishop Street
2013 images
This Cobbold pub building, standing alone since all the nearby
small houses have
been removed, is the former The Happy Return. It is
recorded as in existence in 1823 (perhaps in an earlier building) and
ceased trading as late as 1984 when there were very few regulars
remaining in the area. However the pub name 'Happy Return Building' was
stencilled on each of the two white panels below the ground floor
windows. Even today there is a wrought iron bracket at first floor
height near the corner which once supported a pub sign. Opposite the
south-west face of this building stood, until the major reshaping and
development of Patteson Road, Maude Road and Anchor Square as
residential units, stood an imposing facade in red brick and stone
which was scandalously destroyed. They put up a modern, pale shadow of
the same frontage. It was the southern entrance to
Ransome's 'Orwell Iron Works' (as it is shown on the 1867 map).
The Happy Return in happier times (1940s).
David Kindred, writing in The Ipswich Star in 2018,
points out that 'changes in the road layout have seen this building
listed under several different addresses including Duke Street,
Holywells Road, Albion Street, John Street, Orwell Works Road and Wykes
Bishop Street.
are scant traces of the northern part of Ransomes'
Orwell Works still to be found in the Duke Street car park.
Albion Street
Perfidious Albion! Having explored this building several times in our
usual desultory manner, Simon Bole tells of an, as yet, undiscovered
street sign actually built in to one of its walls. Indeed it is visible
in the 2013 photograph (above).
2016 images courtesy Simon Bole
Not only that, but it's not in Albion Street today, but in today's
"John Street". Many thanks to Simon for spotting it. It would be
fortuitous to catch this lettering in raking sunlight.
enhanced image
The dramatic reshaping of the roads in this area of St Clement's Parish
(see Courts & yards) is illustrated
in the comparison of the 1881 map shown above with a present-day street
plan (below). The black spot marks the site of the Albion Street sign.

See our Plough Street
page for a 1902 map showing the northern ends of Wykes Bishop Street
and Albion Street as they once met Fore Hamlet opposite the Gardeners
Arms public house.
Ballast Wharf Walk
A few yards away from Wykes Bishop Street is a new lane cut through to
serve the 21st century block developments:

This relates to the name of the wharf across the Wet Dock on 'the
island'; see our Wet Dock map.
At the end of this half-built lane is Page Walk, presumably named after
Admiral BenjaminPage (1756-1845), who is celebrated by a blue plaque in
Tower Street.
Ransomes warehouse, Cliff Road
... complete with full stop. As in the Electric lorry depot, the
company left its mark by the
dirt left behind by the characters of the name, how very odd. We are
indebted to Tim Leggett for these excellent (not to mention surprising)
photographs. The second image shows the corner of Cliff Road and Ship
Launch Road,
the street nameplate barely readable in the bright sunshine. This ghost
sign is in a different font to the example in Wykes Bishop Street
(further up this page) and the 1919 date suggests that this is a later
courtesy Tim Leggett
The third photograph into the sun shows the old Ship Launch pub,
now a Chinese restaurant, at far left.
Across the road from The Ship Launch is a sad, isolated pillar box.
The Ipswich Society
The above photograph from the Ipswich Society's Image Archive
(see Links) shows the Wet Dock lock gates in
the 1960s, viewed from Griffin Wharf looking north east with the
gasworks in the background, notably 'Jumbo' the towering, German-built
gasometer (for a 1934 photograph of the gasworks, see our Island page). To the right of the two maltings
vented towers are three
Ransomes sheds, one painted cream. The close-up shows that the
'1919 RANSOMES' lettering was repeated on the dock elevation of
the central shed.
Bird's eye
The above aerial view of the area shows the 'skewed' lock gates,
fully open at high water (when the river rises to meet the water level
in the Wet Dock); to the right of the lock are the three former
Ransomes sheds with their eastern ends angled to match the line of
Cliff Road. The St Clement's Shipyard existed to the south for
centuries and the
remnants can still be seen. The short Toller Road runs east-west
linking to Holywells Road and the Tolly Cobbold brewery is just south
of this image. To the north is Patteson Road with Helena Road on the
dockside and the Myrtle Road roundabout at the other. Look just below
the centre of Patteson Road and you can still see the circular
footprint, mainly green vegetation, where 'Jumbo', the gasometer once
See our Ransome's Orwell Works site
page for an 1867 map of this area showing an extensive, tree-lined
Promenade all round the southern end of the lock.
Above: 1934, when a
decent lawnmower was a status symbol and the
lady of the house in shingled hair and cocktail dress would mow the
lawn in front of pipe-smoking hubby and the pet Alsatian. Interesting
use of capital letters in the advertising copy (and don't forget to pay
'cash' for a bargain);-
Lawn Mowers
Yes... It certainly does
Easily. And Cuts
perfectly, too ... That's the advantage of
having a QUALITY Mower ... The Ironmonger
knew – he recommended "The Best"
Ransomes' "R.S.J." DE-LUXE (Illustrated) is made 10 in., 12 in.
and 14
in. From £7, less 5 per cent cash.
Other popular Models are Ransomes' "AJAX", size 12 in. only.
£4.4s., and "LEO" and "CUB" Side wheel Models from 31/6. All less 5 per
cent cash.
Also Ransomes' Motor Mowers from £24.10.0 less 5 per cent cash.
Demonstrations free.
From all Ironmongers. Catalogues Post Free.
Makers of the World's finest and largest Range of Mowers'
[UPDATE 22.9.2019: 'Good
evening Borin. Saw these today and thought of you. Up to you whether
you include them on your marvellous website. Seen at Dunvegan Castle on
the Isle of Skye. Regards, Paul Smith.' Many thanks to Paul for tracing examples
of Ransomes machines in this corner of the British Isles.]

Ransomes Edge
Trimmer. Ipswich. England. Steel and wood. Green and Red paint. 1920s.
In 1826 in the first volume of ‘The Gardeners
Magazine’, Charles McIntosh described a new Edging Iron of his
invention with a coulter or cutting edge fixed to a wheeled frame. In
the same year a French annual ‘Le Bon Jardinier’ illustrated a verge
cutter consisting of a cutting wheel on a straight handle. In 1880 a
wheeled edger with shears was patented by P Adie. [Information from Old Garden Tools virtual

In 1897 Ransomes introduced two new mowers to replace its
existing Automaton models. The Patent Chain Automaton (PCA) and the
Patent Gear Automaton (PGA) were destined to become some of the most
popular hand mowers of the period leading up to the First World War.
Outwardly the mowers appear similar to the earlier models although
there were a number of enhancements:
- the rear driving roller was ribbed circumferentially to
help prevent the mower slipping sideways on slopes
- the cutting cylinder was double-angled (the left and right
halves angled towards the centre) to deliver the clippings more evenly
into the grass box
- the front roller was more easily adjusted through the
incorporation of a bell shaped hand wheel that eliminated the need for
a spanner
- the scraper plate behind the rear roller was more
elaborate to incorporate the name of the machine. The central round
motif was repeated as a transfer on the grass box.
[Information from The Old Lawnmower
Club website.]
[UPDATE 1.9.2020: 'Found these
two plaques whilst metal detecting in a Suffolk field yesterday.
Mounted them for the farmer, but didn't know if they were of interest
to you, obviously the Ransomes one. The farmer thinks it may be off a
Ransomes Super Cavalier combine. His grandfather had two in the 60s.
They were probably fixed with an adhesive of sorts, so my thoughts were
they fell off in use. We shall never know. Just another interesting bit
of history laying under the ground. Made the farmer smile though, and
made me smile when he turned round to his daughter and said, "Your
great grandfather used to drive that combine". Regards, Paul Smith.' Thanks to Paul for these finds. The
Ransomes Sims & Jefferies plate certainly bears evidence of plough
courtesy Paul Smith
NO. 10273068
It is remarkable that the
impressed product number is still clearly readable.
Many other examples of Ransomes & Rapier and Ransomes Sims &
Jefferies products can be found all over the world.
See our Bourne Park page for more on
Ransomes & Rapier.
courtesy John Norman
also our Island page for the R&R swing
over the Wet Dock lock.
Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies
Ltd history
R,S&J was the final and probably the most globally
successful version of the great Ipswich engineering firm:
1785 Ransome and Co
1808 Ransome and Son
1818 Ransome and Sons
1825 James and Robert Ransome
1829 J. R. and A. Ransome
1836 Ransomes and May
1854 Ransomes and Sims
1869 Ransomes, Sims and Head
1880 Ransomes, Head and Jefferies
1884 Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies
[Information from Grace's Guide,
see Links.]
They were based at the Orwell Works,
Ipswich and were a major British agricultural machinery maker as well
as a wide variety of other engineering products. By 1905 the company
employed 2,000 people.
Abbott's Hall collection, Stowmarket
Above: a framed crest, used as a transfer on Ransomes' traction
The Ipswich Borough coat of arms
appears at the top of the circle.
Ransomes today
Many people do not realise that Ransomes, after many ups and
downs in the 20th century returned to its original production of lawn
mowers. Perhaps fittingly, in the 21st century they trade from Ransomes
Europark on the edge of Ipswich. This is an extract from a Textron Inc.
(the American owners) web page from 2007:-
Jacobsen Ltd, a Textron Inc. company, celebrated the 175th anniversary
of mower production at Ipswich in 2007. Edwin Budding's historic
lawnmower design was patented in 1830 and JR
& A Ransome were the first company to obtain a licence to
manufacture this remarkable invention. The first Ransomes-manufactured
machine for domestic use was produced in 1832 and this signalled the
beginning of commercial mower production in the UK. Although the
company no longer produces domestic lawnmowers they are
one of the leading commercial mower manufacturers supplying equipment
to golf courses, local authorities, landscape contractors, sports clubs
and major sports stadia around the globe.
Ransomes Jacobsen is a subsidiary of Textron Inc., a $10 billion
multi-industry company operating in 33 countries with approximately
37,000 employees. The company leverages its global network of aircraft,
industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative
solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its
powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft, Jacobsen,
Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO and Greenlee, among others.
Significant milestones:
- Production of the Ransomes Budding begins in Ipswich in
- Innovations quickly follow and by 1852 some 1,500 improved
versions of
the 21-inch mower had been produced. In 1870 the range was extended
with the introduction of horse drawn mowers.
- Shortly after the dawn of the 20th century, Ransomes
engineers produced
the world's first petrol driven lawn mower. This single innovation in
1902 was to change the way that grass was cut for ever.
- By the end of the 1920s the Ransomes catalogue featured
Quintuple and
Septuple gang mowers, using cutting cylinders from horse-drawn triple
mowers ganged into combinations of five and seven units.
- The new White City works in West London opened in 1937 to
meet the
growing demand for Ransomes mowers.
- In the late 1930s greenkeepers began to overcome their
reluctance to
use petrol-driven machines and this was as a result of the introduction
of the Overgreen, a machine featuring a power unit with large pneumatic
tyres that pulled three Certes cutting units and enabled a single
greenkeeper to cut 18 greens in a day.
- After World War II a number of new machines were
introduced including
the Auto Certes, a mower that developed a worldwide reputation for its
exceptionally fine cut.
- 1964 saw the introduction of the Ransomes Quint, the
world's first
tractor-mounted, power-driven five unit gang mower. In the same year,
the Motor Triple was launched; a highly manoeuvrable, high output mower
which elevated Ransomes to the forefront of the European professional
turf care market.
- In 1978 Ransomes acquired an interest in an American
rotary mower
manufacturer, which subsequently became a wholly owned subsidiary,
Ransomes Inc. The result of this fruitful union was the Motor 180, with
power units manufactured in the USA and cutting units built in Ipswich.
- The Motor 213, a hydraulically driven triple reel mower
for the local
authority market was launched in 1982. This high work rate, ride-on
triplex mower heralded the change from large scale pedestrian operated
mowing practices to more productive and cost effective maintenance of
roadside verges and housing areas.
- 1988 and Ransomes acquires Cushman Ryan, the US
manufacturer, which
provided access to the Cushman Turf Truckster and its wide range of
accessories for topdressing, spraying, aeration and other maintenance
duties on sports turf areas.
- The E-Plex is introduced in 1994, the world's first
electric ride-on
triplex greens mower, providing noise and pollution free mowing of fine
turf, particularly golf greens in suburban areas.
- In 1998 Textron Inc., the multi-industry US company
operating in 33
countries with approximately 37,000 employees, acquires Ransomes plc
and establishes Textron Turf Care & Specialty Products group.
- Company re-branded in 2001 as Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd,
focusing on core
brands: Ransomes for local authority and municipal mowers, Jacobsen for
the golf sector.
- 2003 sees the launch of dedicated environmental programme
"Driving Environmental Performance" strapline.
- 2004 and the innovative remote controlled bank mower
"Spider" is
launched to wide acclaim and wins multiple industry awards.
- In July 2006 Ransomes Jacobsen signs contract with the PGA
to become
Official Turf Equipment Supplier. The following month they also become
a Lead Partner in Golf Environment Europe, the pan European initiative
working to promote environmental sustainability in golf.
Interesting facts:
A catalogue from 1851, published for the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park
included a 16-inch Budding grass mower priced at £6 5s. Today, the
Ransomes HR9016 wide area mower, powered by an 87hp turbo diesel engine
and with cutting width of 16 feet retails at £61,592.
In 1904, two years after the introduction of the first motor mower,
King Edward VII requested a demonstration of the 30-inch version and
two were purchased for the Buckingham Palace gardens.
Ransomes introduce Britain's first battery-powered electric truck in
1920 and in 1926 produce the first mains electric operated lawnmower.
During World War II the Ransomes factories at White City and Ipswich
produced bomb trolleys, trailers for 25-pounder guns and parts for Bren
gun carriers, Crusader tanks, Rolls-Royce aero engines and Mosquito
An extract from the 1954 accounts records sales of 42,500 hand mowers,
1,100 gang mowers and 9,500 motor mowers."
Our Street furniture page shows an
1881 map showing the Ransomes Lawn Mower Works, south of the
Corporation Water Works in, logically, Waterworks Street. We have heard
reports that
Ransomes at one time had lawn mower works on the site of the UCS Art
& Design block (formerly the Vicon tractor works) and at the bottom
of Bishop's Hill ('White City'). There is a picture on page 120 of the
book Ransomes 1789-1989: 200 years
excellence by Carol & Michael Weaver, captioned: 'Assembling hand mowers in the Lawn Mower
Works at the bottom of Bishops Hill, 1966'
Related pages:
The Question Mark
Burton Son & Sanders / Paul's
College Street
Flour Mill
Custom House
House buoys
Fison Ltd
Ground-level dockside furniture
on: 'The
island', the northern quays
and Ransome's
Orwell Works
Whaling Station?
Isaac Lord
Neptune Inn
clock, garden
and interior
Lord 2
The Island
John Good and Sons
seamen's memorial
The Mill
Nova Scotia
New Cut East
R&W Paul malting
Ransomes Orwell Works site
Packet Hotel
Regeneration Scheme
A chance to
Wet Dock 1970s with 2004
Wet Dock maps
illustration of the laying of the Wet Dock lock foundation stone,
the Wet Dock
in the Borough of Ipswich
Maritime Ipswich
'82 festival
Please email any comments and contributions by clicking here.
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Historic Lettering
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throughout the Ipswich
Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
No reproduction of text or images without express written permission