The building next door to the Bistro on the Quay, 5 Wherry Quay,
bears an oval
plaque cast by Crane Co. for the Maritime
Ipswich Festival in 1982. It is the former Salt Office, served by
Salthouse Street, which warehoused and traded in salt. It
is also known as Christie's warehouse (or 'The Christies'). Ipswich was
an important salt
port, bringing in the product of 'salines' on the west coast of France
where seawater was evaporated in the warm summer sun.
Salt was an important condiment for flavouring bland Tudor food and
used as a preservative of fish, meats and other foodstuffs. One notable
merchant involved in the trade was Henry Tooley whose bequest founded
the Tooley Almshouses. See
our Isaac Lord page for a street map
showing the location of the Salt Office.
photograph courtesy Tony Marsden
20.7.2016: However, Bob
Malster, historian of all things maritime (see various titles in the Reading list) tells us that this plaque might be
misleading. He has seen the architect's plans for the building and they
were dated 1886. Given that the Wet Dock was opened in January 1842,
this building might have been much later.]
1980s image courtesy The Ipswich Society
Above: This 1980s photograph of the site – Wherry Lane is
the gap by the bollard – shows the post-industrial state of the
buildings. There is damaged, scraped brickwork which presumably
resulted from loading and unloading of carts. Metal discs have been
recently inserted above the double doors to add stability to the
structure. In the
left background is the Paul's Home Warehouse and to the right of the
lane is part of the Isaac Lord complex (today's Isaac's bars and
restaurants) which bears some the 'Isaac' lettering, as shown on our
Isaac Lord page – and today, a ghost sign.
Two other oddities: an upright
barrier painted in black-and-white can be lowered across the dock
tramway, perhaps to hold back traffic while trucks are being turned to
enter Ransome's Orwell Works; and a pipe runs out to the dockside
horizontally form the Isaac Lord building – perhaps it once
loaded grain onto a ship?
The story of Christie's warehouse
These buildings have been converted into offices. But 180
years ago, it was a coal warehouse for the company owned and run by
John Christie (b.1798). John and his family would become leading coal
merchants in the town during the 19th century. By 1839
Christie was bringing between 500 and 700 tons of coal a month from the
coalfields of the north-east of England. These were brought into
Ipswich and into the warehouse on Wherry Quay on five of his registered
ships, including the Providence
and Lady Middleton.
John’s son, Frank A. Christie, was born in 1835 and started out as a
draper’s assistant and then a clerk in Ipswich. When John died in 1866,
Frank took over and the business expanded. Frank provided work for his
two elder sons, Frank Herbert Christie
and Leonard Alexander Christie; they were
both clerks with Frank H. Christie also
being the company accountant.
In 1894, Frank A. Christie had several
premises on Salthouse Street, which included a Coal Warehouse, a Salt
Warehouse, Office and Timber Depot as well as Sawmills. Over the
following ten years the business developed becoming F.A Christie &
Son, Coal, Salt and Timber Merchants. The company office was based on
Cliff Road with warehouses still operating on Salthouse Street and
Wherry Quay.
Unfortunately, Frank H. Christie died in
1896 aged only 29. In 1907 Frank A. Christie died to leaving the
business to Leonard. In 1918 Leonard died and subsequent pressures on
the business, both locally and nationally, forced the closure of the
company. The decontrolment of coal as well as coal strikes/shortages
during and following the First World War hastened the decline of
Christie’s. Which was already under pressure from competitors.
Following Leonard’s death, the company assets were sold off and
acquired by local competitors.
A variety of Christie’s local competitors operated close by during the
early 20th century. These included Mellonie & Goulder Ltd which
bought the coal aspects of Christie’s in 1924 and William Brown &
Son Ltd who acquired the timber interests. Isaac Lord’s was also a
close competitor, housed in the building complex right next door to
Christie’s warehouses (across Wherry Lane). Today the Isaac Lord
complex houses the bar and restaurant Isaac’s on the Quay.
Today all of these once busy industrial buildings sit quiet and
unassuming on the modern waterfront, each with many stories to tell. [Information from the Ipswich
Maritime Trust website]
The Salt Office was an important
component of the salt trade in Ipswich; it is shown on a pre-1830 map
on our Isaac Lord page. We
think that it was situated between Salthouse Street and Wherry Quay
directly on the site of the 1839-42 building which is today's
Bistro on the Quay restaurant. In
the photograph below, the glazed blue section to the right replaces the
yard gates (shown in the 1980s photograph) is a part of the
bistro which was built over
the yard.
Henry Palmer
When Henry Palmer designed the
Wet Dock, cutting off a section of the Orwell by damming it top and
bottom and forming the New Cut to carry the waters of the Gipping to
the sea, he proposed the construction of a continuous quay all the way
along the north and east sides of the Dock. In fact for reasons of
economy the quay was cut short on the east side at what was then known
as the Ballast Wharf (see our Wet Dock map),
and from there to the lower dam there was merely a slope into the
water. Even in later times there were only timber stages at the far end.

Henry Robinson Palmer (1795-1844) was a British engineer who
designed the first monorail system and invented corrugated iron. From
1816, on finishing his apprenticeship, Palmer was engaged by the great
civil engineer Thomas Telford and worked for him for ten years on a
large number of road and canal surveys and associated designs. In 1826
he was appointed resident engineer to the London docks where, over the
next nine years, he designed and executed the Eastern Dock, with the
associated warehousing, entrance locks, bridges, and other works.
Around 1835 he moved to Westminster as a consulting engineer and was
involved in numerous surveys for projected railways, and the design and
construction of several docks and harbours, including those at Port
Talbot, Ipswich, Penzance, and Neath. He carried out the original
surveys for the South Eastern Railway, assisted by P. W. Barlow, and
would have executed the scheme but ill health intervened. His original
surveys for a Kentish railway dated from the time he was associated
with Telford.
Note that one commentator has claimed that the plaque
is misleading and that the date of construction is later.
The changing dock page also
shows a post-1939 long
view of part of Common Quay, Wherry Quay and part of Neptune Quay.
See our plaques page for the full
set of ten Ipswich Society 'Maritime Ipswich
1982' plaques.
In 2017 The Ipswich Society (see Links)
published a complete reworking of the
original 1982 Ipswich Maritime Trail,
copies are available at the Ipswich Tourist Information Centre at £2.00
each. The full colour booklet includes a useful map of the Wet Dock
area and the trail encompasses all ten IMT '82 plaques.
Related pages:
The Question Mark
Burton Son & Sanders / Paul's
College Street
Flour Mill
Custom House
House buoy
Fison Ltd
Ground-level dockside furniture
on: 'The
island', the northern quays
and Ransome's
Orwell Works
Whaling Station?
Isaac Lord
Neptune Inn
clock, garden
and interior
Lord 2
The Island
John Good and Sons
seamen's memorial
The Mill
Nova Scotia
New Cut East
Paul's malting company
Packet Hotel
Regeneration Scheme
A chance to
Wet Dock 1970s with 2004
Wet Dock maps
illustration of the laying of the Wet Dock lock foundation stone,
the Wet Dock
Maritime Ipswich '82 festival
Please email any comments and contributions by clicking here.
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Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
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