The Mill

(OK, it's not historic... but you can't ignore it)
A major feature of the Waterfront Regeneration Scheme in Ipswich (better known to us as the Wet Dock) is the area of Cranfield's Flour Mill. The 23 storey block which now occupies the site has become a new 'eyecatcher' from all over the town and its environs. Not to mention the skeletal structure next door! Here are some photographs of the building from a variety of viewpoints.
Borin Van Loon: The Mill, Ipswich Docks1
The lettering here must be one of the biggest fonts on this website. An added 21st Century touch is that it reads vertically on this very vertical building and at night, as well as single large spotlights shining vertically on the various faces, the characters themselves are underlit.
Borin Van Loon: The Mill, Ipswich Docks2
The Mill rises like a rocket ship: The view from just south of the Buttermarket Shopping Centre and looking across Dog's Head Street (home of the 'Edme Bakery' lettering) into Turret Lane and the Old Cattle market Bus Station. The former Atfield & Daughter shop, now called Angle (but known to the historic buildings enthusiast as 'The Sun Inn') is to the left, the edge of bar/restaurant is to the right. Behind is St Stephens Church.
Borin Van Loon: The Mill, Ipswich Docks3
The Mill is framed between the jaws of Lower Brook Street (just outside The Suffolk Victoria Nursing Institute), one of the most ancient thoroughfares in the town.
Borin Van Loon: The Mill, Ipswich Docks 4
A bit further down and The Mill soars above everything. Another example of recent lettering which has found its way onto this website can be found in St Helens Street.
Ipswich Historic Lettering: The Mill 5
Above: St Peter's Church on an April evening in 2011 and behind it soars The Mill with its lettering underlit, close-up on the right.

[UPDATE 7.12.2018: Tony Marsden sent this remarkable photograph of the oh-so-young 'The Mill' tower in June 2010.]
Ipswich Historic Lettering: The Mill, June 2010Photo courtesy Tony Marsden
On Monday 28 October 2013 gale force winds ripped polystyrene cladding and membrane from the waterfront face of The Mill's  23 storey tower block.

Cranfields Flour Mill

Ironically, perhaps, The Mill
(still largely empty in 2012) towers high above a stump of the original 'CRANFIELDS FLOUR MILL' which stands opposite St Mary-At-Quay Church. Perhaps it has been left in a semi-derelict condition to celebrate the desultory state in which the dockside follies were left when the Irish banks – which were  funding much of the Waterfront Generation, apparently – went into meltdown in 2008. Good times. Cheers.

A very big employer in the town, Cranfield's was in operation from the 1880s to about 1999. The former flour mill was largely demolished and the first foundations for the £70 million site were laid in June 2007. The site is now home to The Mill, the tallest building in Suffolk, described somewhat questionably by The East of England Development Agency as 'a cultural and architectural beacon for the town'. The Mill includes the new £7.9 million Jerwood DanceHouse (this link shows an historic printed Cranfield Bros sack and other images) which was supported with a further £1million of funding from EEDA. It provides the first custom-built dance facility in the East of England and a headquarters for dance agency DanceEast. The DanceHouse was officially opened on 30 October 2009.

The skeletal concrete structure visible to the left of the image below remains a steadily decaying testimony to 'property development' hubris. Locals have taken to call it 'The Winerack'. Composed of internal-quality concrete which is not designed to withstand extreme weather conditions (unlike exterior concrete) it has become clear that this whole construction will require demolition if anyone scrapes together the money to attempt to complete the dockside 'regeneration' on this part of the Wet Dock. Some cynics opine that it was better, more honest, when the brutalist maltings and mill silos lined the Wet Dock and before the jetties and millionaires' boats obliterated the water.
Ipswich Historic Lettering: Cranfields 1   Ipswich Historic Lettering: Cranfields 22008 images
Taken from the interior of St Mary-At-Quay Church on the same day in 2008, are glimpses of the building work in progress. Below left: tall cranes over the site of the the 'Winerack' and a notable gap in development, soon to be filled. Below right: the church window tells its own story. The upper parts with darker glass survived the bomb-blast in the World War II bombing; the paler sections had to be replaced. Through the window the evening sun bounces off the plastic sheeting of the Winerack developement with, to the right the lettered 'Cranfields Flour Mill' stump.
Ipswich Historic Lettering: Cranfields 5   Ipswich Historic Lettering: Cranfields 6
And, below, against the uglification of the soon-to-be 'Winerack' block is the 'SM [key]' monograom of St Mary-At-Quay Church.
[UPDATE April 2019: Who would have thought that it would be eleven years after these photographs were taken before work was underway to clad and fit out the concrete skeleton of 'The Winerack'?]
Ipswich Historic Lettering: Cranfields 7
For further images of these buildings and of the northern quays during the 2005/6 Waterfront demolition and clearances see our Waterfront regeneration page.

Cranfields offices entrance
Below is a remarkable photograph of the corner of Foundry Lane with College Street, from the Ipswich Society Image archive (see Links). The former offices of Cranfields on the corner of Foundry Lane with one of the silos behind. The whole of this site was cleared in 2005 and the Mill / Jerwood Dance Studio project constructed on the site. We are assured that the stonework of the Cranfields office entrance (apparently formerly the Burtons offices) is stored, with the expectation that it would have been re-erected like a piece of sculpture, as part of the Waterfront Regeneration Scheme – all stalled by the global crash of 2007/8.
Ipswich Historic Lettering: Cranfields offices pre-2005pre-2005 image courtesy Ipswich Society

[UPDATE 12.2.2025: Amongst the papers of the late John Norman we found this larger version of the aerial illustration of Cranfield Bros complex as seen on a poster inside DanceEast. Note the steam engine at lower left (with its smoke going down Foundry Lane) drawing trucks along the dock tramway as it passes under the colonnade. Sailing barges are moored at Albion Wharf with large flexible chutes from the teagle doors above into the holds of the vessels. The scale of Cranfields operation can be seen from this illustration emphasised by the highest tower being cut off by the upper border. Full marks to the uncredited illustrator.]
Ipswich Historic Lettering: Cranfields complexImage courtesy John Norman
Ipswich Historic Lettering: Cranfields from the IslandImage from the Ipswich Society Image Archive
Cranfields Mill from the Island site.

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The Question Mark
Christies warehouse
Bridge Street
Burton Son & Sanders. Paul's

College Street
Coprolite Street
Cranfield's Flour Mill

Custom House
Trinity House buoy
Edward Fison Ltd
Ground-level dockside furniture on: 'The island', the northern quays and Ransome's Orwell Works
Ipswich Whaling Station?
Isaac Lord

Neptune Inn clock, garden and interior
Isaac Lord 2
The Island
John Good and Sons
Merchant seamen's memorial
The Mill

Nova Scotia House
New Cut East
Quay nameplates
R&W Paul malting company
Steam Packet Hotel

Stoke Bridge(s)
Waterfront Regeneration Scheme
Wolsey's Gate
A chance to compare
Wet Dock 1970s with 2004
Wet Dock maps

Davy's illustration of the laying of the Wet Dock lock foundation stone, 1839
Outside the Wet Dock

Maritime Ipswich '82 festival

Stoke Bridge Maltings
Old Bell

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©2004 Copyright throughout the Ipswich Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
No reproduction of text or images without express written permission