Street and house naming
Ipswich Borough Council is responsible for the creation of official
addresses within the Ipswich Borough boundary. It is important that
each new address is unique and avoids ambiguity to ensure that the
emergency services can find the property quickly and that mail is
delivered to the correct address.
The naming and numbering process is normally carried out once Planning
and Building Regulations applications have been approved by the Borough
and we have received confirmation that works have commenced on site.

Naming of new streets
Where a new development requires the creation of a new street, we will
consult with the developer, ward councillors, neighbouring local
authorities and Royal Mail to ensure the name is acceptable and avoids
duplication with existing street names in the local area.

Numbering of new properties
For developments where new streets have been created, we will assign
street numbering in a logical sequence according to the street
layout. The general rule is that the odd numbers will be on the
left hand side of the street, with even numbers on the right, starting
from the most prominent street that they lead
from. Where a new property has been created in an existing street,
with no whole numbers available, suffixes will be used (e.g. 1A, 1B).
Details of the named and numbered schemes are circulated to internal
departments within the Borough Council, emergency services, utility
companies and Royal Mail.
courtesy Des Pawson
House names
If you wish to give your property a name, this is acceptable as long as
it is used in conjunction with the street number (e.g. Rose Cottage, 1
Any Street). Note that it is advisable to check that your chosen
name is not duplicated within your street.
If the street does not have a numbering scheme, the house name will be
agreed with the developer, ensuring it is not a duplication of an
existing property in the street.
If your development requires street naming and/or numbering or you wish
to change your house name, please get in touch with the Land Charges
and Information Team using the contact details on the left of this page.
If you wish to report a damaged street name plate or you are a
developer who wishes to order new street name plates please call
01473 432064 or email.
[This text was taken from:
in July 2021.]
Related pages
buildings list;
(and sometimes dated) buildings
Dated buildings list; Dated buildings
examples; Dated rain-hoppers/weather vanes;
Origins of street names
in Ipswich;
Street index
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Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
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