Alphabetical street guide (Ipswich only)
to lettering examples on the Ipswich Historical Lettering website.
Please note: that we have not been quite so punctillious in adding some examples to this index since we installed our Search engine. This near-complete index remains useful, though.

Alan Road ('Hope Mews' gates)
Alan Road (Methodist church plaques)
Alan Road (street nameplate)
55-57 Alan Road ('Regent Terrace 1875 J.J. Head. Builder')
Albion Hill (part of Woodbridge Road)
Albion Quay (blue street nameplate)
Albion Street 1817 (now John Street)
'Aldeburgh Gardens', off Crabbe Street)
Alf Ramsey Way (ITFC)
Alpe Street ('Morpeth Villa 1876')
Alston Road (street nameplate)

14-20 Alston Road ('Alston Cottages')
17-23 Alston Road ('Woolpit Cottages 1877')
25-31 Alston Road ('Gestingthorpe Cottages 1895')
30-36 Alston Road ('Aberdeen Cottages 1876')
33-39 Alston Road ('Ebeneezer Cottages')
34-54 Alston Road ('East End Terrace 1875/8 [obscured]')
41-45 Alston Road ('Olive Villas')
55-61 Alston Road ('Winterbourne Cottages 1879')
Ancaster Road ('Gippeswyk Park')
1 Anglesea Road ('Newark Lodge')
Anglesea Road Hospital (lost signs)
Ann Street (a hat shop sign)
5-9 Arcade Street ('1903, 1904' rain hoppers)
Argyle Street ('A.E. Blasby')
Argyle Street ('Harry...')
Argyle Street ('Ipswich Board School')
Argyle Street/St Helen's Street corner ('IBH')
Arras Square (street nameplate), St Stephens Lane
Arthur's Terrace (street nameplate)
4-6 Ashmere Grove ('Spring Villas')
Austin Street ('Bridgeward Club')
89 Austin Street (Vernon Street Co-op)
Back Hamlet (Holy Trinity Church)
78 Back Hamlet (Trinity Lodge)
100 Back Hamlet ('Park View')
194-200 Back Hamlet (FLS name plaques)
Trinity Works, Back Hamlet ('Teeangee', Titchmarsh & Goodwin Borough coat of arms)
Back Hamlet (St Clement's Congregational Church)
Back Hamlet ('Wm. Paul Tenement Trust')
Ballast Wharf Walk (street nameplate)
Baronsdale Close (street nameplate)
Barrack Lane (Ipswich Barracks gateposts)
Bell Lane (The Old Bell)
6-8 Belle Vue Road ('Hillside Villas 1891')
22-24 Belle Vue Road  ('Valley-View Villas 1891')
27-29 Belle Vue Road ('Southfleet Villas')
30 Belle Vue Road ('Plemont 1896')
31-33 Belle Vue Road ('Byculla Villas 1893')
40 Belle Vue Road ('May Villas 1893')
43-45 Belle Vue Road ('Florence Terrace 1891')
50-52 Belle Vue Road ('Ivy Villas 1891')
55-57 Belle Vue Road ('La Belle Villas 1891')
58-60 Belle Vue Road ('Viaduct Terrace 1891')
70 Belle Vue Road, ('Nankin Villa')
72 Belle Vue Road, ('Agra Villa')
79-81 Belle Vue Road ('Claremont Terrace 1891')
91 Belle Vue Road ('Carrefour Selous 1893')
99-101 Belle Vue Road ('Silverdale Terrace')
107-109 Belle Vue Road ('Warton Terrace')
117 Belle Vue Road (Russell 'Villas')
2 Belstead Road ('Kirby Cottage')
66 Belstead Road ('Tumbricane')
12 Belvedere Road ('Parade Field Terrace')
Belvedere Road (numbered rail bridge)
Benezet Street (A.A. Gibbons mills)
Benezet Street (Slavery abolitionists)
Bishops Hill ('Bishops Hill', close to junction with Rosehill Crescent)
Bishops Hill ('Holywells Park' plaque)
39 Bishops Hill ('Upland Gate' vernacular lettering)
Black Horse Lane ('Wm. Paul Tenements Trust 1928')
Black Horse Lane ('Bretts')
23 Black Horse Lane ('The Black Horse')
Bolton Lane, St Margaret's Church Centre, Garratt Memorial Hall ('1632'), Gainsborough House
5-7 Bolton Lane ('1895')
36 Bolton Lane ('Bolton Lane Social Club & Institute')
38 Bolton Lane (Bishop & Son, Organ Builders')

40 Bolton Lane (The Wrestlers: '1667')
72 Bolton Lane ('1904')
Bolton Lane/St Margaret's Green (street nameplates)
Bond Street ('The Black Barn', 'St Michael's Works')
Bostock Road (street nameplate)
5-7 Bostock Road ('Bloomfield's Villas')
6-8 Bostock Road ('Randall's Villas')
14-16 Bostock Road ('Sporle's Villas')
15-17 Bostock Road ('Chilver's Villas')
27-28 Bostock Road ('Dashwood's Villas')
37 Bond Street ('Ragged Girls School')
Bourne Park / Bourne Bridge
Bramford Lane rail bridge
Bramford Lane (St Thomas Church foundation stone)
135 Bramford Lane ('Claydon Hall Dairy' - corner with Hampton Road)
196-198 Bramford Lane ('Persevering Terrace 1878')
203 Bramford Lane (Co-op 'BUILT 1904')
216-218 Bramford Lane ('Omdurman Cottages 1899')
230-232 Bramford Lane ('Baden-Powell Cottages')
Bramford Road ('Rose & Crown Brewery' - rear of 77 Norwich Road)
Bramford Road (corner of Gatacre Road: ' Bramford Road School')
Bramford Road rail bridge
111 Bramford Road (huge numerals)
113 Bramford Road ('Hovis')
119 Bramford Road ('W.B. Kerridge')
184 Bramford Road ('Nestles Milk: Richest In Cream')
205-207 Bramford Road ('Cumberland Terrace 1877')
238 Bramford Road ('Wines, Ales & Stout...')
248 Bramford Road ('Long Reign')
252 Bramford Road ('Belmont Villa
254 Bramford Road ('Mishama House
256 Bramford Road ('Zagazig House 1894 ')
284 Bramford Road (former 'Tolly Ales' on The Red Lion)
318-318 Bramford Road, ('Birkett's Terrace, 1912')
328 Bramford Road ('AD 1883')
336 Bramford Road ('Pleasant Villas, 1884, R.S.')
345-347 Bramford Road ('Grosvenor Villas, F.L.S. 1899')
360 Bramford Road ('Tel El Kebir Cottage, 1891')
389-391 Bramford Road ('Cornfield, F.L.S. 1897')
427-429 Bramford Road ('Constantine Terrace F.L.S. 1898.')
Bramford Road ('Commercial Buildings, AD 1879')
467-469 Bramford Road ('Prospect Cottages, 1878')
476-478 Bramford Road ('Shafto Terrace, FLS 1914')
Bramford Road ('Thompson's Dwellings, 1927')
537 Bramford Road ('Thirza, 1927')
Bramford Road ('Bosmere Terrace')
Bramford Road ('Wilson's Dwellings, 1928')
Bridge Street (lost street nameplate)
Bridge Street (modern street nameplate)
Bridge Street (near Stoke Bridge)
Bridge Street (The Old Bell)
Bridge Street (K6 Telephone Box)
Bridge Street (Stoke Bridge)
Bridge Street ('Trinity House' buoy)
Brooks Hall Road ('Brookeshall Road'), 1884 map
Brooks Hall Road (street nameplate)
5-7 Broom Hill Road ('Orford Villas, FLS 1903')
17-19 Broom Hill Road ('Graham Villas, FLS 1903')
20-22 Broom Hill Road ('Wannock Glen')
20-22 Broom Hill Road ('Castle Rock')
34 Broom Hill Road ('Belgrave Villa')
29-31 Broom Hill Road ('Grove Terrace, FLS 1904')
53-55 Broom Hill Road ('Maple Terrace, FLS 1904')
54 Broom Hill Road ('Alandale')
56 Broom Hill Road ('Clovelley')
60 Broom Hill Road ('Edgehill')
64 Broom Hill Road ('Ashley House')
65-67 Broom Hill Road ('Pine Terrace, FLS 1905[?]')
Bruff Road (street nameplate)
171 Brunswick Road ('
Brunswick Road Post Office'; 'Chas: West')
Bulstrode Road (street nameplate)
9 Burlington Road ('Hollanden House')
11-13 Burlington Road ('Plantation House 1872')
Burlington Road (Slavery abolitionists)
1 Butter Market ('G')
21 Butter Market (Butter Market Chambers and vestiges)
24A Butter Market ('M...' also '... SON')
22 Butter Market ('F.C. Hunnibell & Son [partial])
30 Butter Market (Ancient House)
40-44 Butter Market ('1994 AD')
54 Butter Market ('1900')
47 Camden Road ('Try Woottons Cure for Corns')
Canham Street (street nameplate)
Cardigan Street (St Jude's Brewery '1789')
1-3a Carr Street ('1822')
6-8 Carr Street ('Alfred Coe Builder')
18 Carr Street ('Sennitt's')

26-32 Carr Street ('Woolworths' at rear)
48-68 Carr Street ('Each For All...'- Co-op InStore)
70 Carr Street ('Temptation' gates; old Beehive pub)

Cauldwell Hall Road (range of house name plaques)
Cavendish Street (range of house name plaques)
off Cemetery Lane ('Temple of Remembrance')
Chantry Park
Chapman Lane (street nameplate)
Charles Court (off Upper Orwell Street: vestigial street sign)
Charles Street gate ('Round Table')
Charles Street ('H.H. Near...')
Chevallier Street (street nameplate)
Chevallier Street ('IHC' on All Saints Church)
Chevallier Street/Waterloo Road ('Thornley Place.')
Christchurch Mansion/Wolsey Art Gallery (Borough crests)
Christchurch Mansion/Wolsey Art Gallery ('Wolsey Art Gallery')
Christchurch Mansion/Wolsey Garden (inscriptions)
Christchurch Mansion ('Frugalitatem...' and 'Manuel Sorrell')
Christchurch Street (O.S. benchmark - corner with Woodbridge Road)
28 Christchurch Street ('Doric House')
31-33 Christchurch Street, ('Santiago Villas 1870')
38 Christchurch Street ('Prospect House...' - corner with Cemetery Road)
Civic Drive (street nameplates)
Clarkson Street (Primitive Methodist Chapel foundation stones)
Clarkson Street ('Saint Matthew's Hall')
Clarkson Street (Slavery abolitionists)
Claude Street (street nameplate)
Cliff Lane ('ER' pillar box)
Cliff Lane (Memorial almshouses)
Cliff Road ('Ransomes 1919' on warehouse)
Cliff Quay (Tolly Cobbold Brewery: 'The Cliff')
Cliff Quay (Tolly Cobbold 'Cliff Cottage')
Cobbold Mews (street nameplate)
Cobham Rd, Old Trolleybus Depot (Ipswich Transport Museum, various signs)
1-5 College Street (Burton, Son & Sanders)
College Street ('BA ... 1590')
College Street ('The Mill')
College Street (street nameplate)
College Street (Wolsey Gate plaque)
Colchester Road (numbered rail bridge)
79 Commercial Road (Lost sign: 'Ernest C. Cross Haulage Contractors')
79 Commercial Road (Lost sign: 'Three Tuns Inn')
Common Quay (Custom House, Ipswich Waterfront)
Constable Road (street nameplate)
Coprolite Street (street nameplate)
Corn Exchange/Town Hall ('Police Station')
6-6a Cornhill ('1904' Grimwade's)
Cornhill ('Post Office', Lloyds Arch)
Cornhill (street nameplate)
Corporation Avenue, Bourne Park (the original carriage-drive to Stoke Park Mansion)
County Hall, St Helens Street
Coytes Gardens (street nameplates)
8 Cornhill ('Mannings')
Coytes Gardens (street sign)
Crabbe Street, Aldeburgh Gardens
14 Crabbe Street ('Percy Cottages')
29 Crabbe Street (Kenmore 1902')
36-38 Croft Street ('EUR')
Croft Street (street nameplate)
Cromwell Square
'Honiton House F.L.S 1892'
Cromwell Square (Obolensky sculpture)
Cromwell Square (street nameplates)
'Cross Keys Lane'  off Carr Street (GPO marker post)
Crown Street ('Egertons' - rear of Yates Wine Lodge, Trafalgar House, Tower Street)
Crown Street, Crown Pools (Ipswich coat of arms)
Crown Street (Lost sign: 'W.J. Coe Garage')
3 Crown Street (Lost sign:
'Crown Iron Works 1840, George Abbott Ltd')
51 Crown Street ('Crown Office')
Cullingham Road ('Corn Hay Chaff... - corner with Handford Road)
21-23 Cumberland Street ('Cumberland Terrace'
33-35 Cumberland Street ('Hill Cottage 1865')
Cutler Street (street name)
Curriers Lane (Bluecoat Boys School)
Dale Hall Lane (street nameplate)
1 Dial Lane (Pickwick's Cafe - 'Scarborow')
Dial Lane (St Lawrence Church)
79/81 Derby Road ('Sydney Cottages 1894')
83/85 Derby Road ('Acacia Cottage 1894')
87-89 Derby Road ('Brondesbury Cottages 1894')
91-93 Derby Road ('Fern Cottages 1896')
97-99 Derby Road ('J.G.L. Gooding's Cottages 1899')
Derby Road ('P.J. Prentice... Family Grocer' - corner with Felixstowe Road)
Devereaux Court (street nameplate)
33-35 Dillwyn Street (Industrial Villa 1870)
Dillwyn Street (Slavery abolitionists)
Dock Street (street nameplate)
2 Dog's Head Street (street nameplate on
The Plough)
4 Dog's Head Street ('Edme Bakery')
8-10 Dogs Head Street (Ipswich coat of arms)
Dove Street ('R.H. Kent')
Dove Yard (street nameplate)
1 Duke Street ( No.1: Mortimers Seafood Restaurant)
Duke Street, Island House ('Ransomes' on Premier Pool Club)
2 Duke Street (Steam Packet - replaced lettering!)
Dykes Street (former Avis Cook workshops)
Eagle Street (street nameplates)
8-10 Eagle Street ('Drink Topall Tea')
11-11a Eagle Street ('The Eagle Street Ogre')
Electric House ('Light Power Heat')
Elliott Street ('Elliott Street Bakery', corner with
66a Gibbons Street)
Elliott Street (Slavery abolitionists)
Elm Street ('Quill Court')
31 Elm Street ('Ipswich Board School')
Elm Street (St Mary at Elms church & cottage)
27 Elm Street ('Mrs Smith's Alms Houses')
Emlen Street (Slavery abolitionists)
Ernleigh Road (street nameplate)
Felaw Street ('Tolly Cobbold')
Felaw Street (street nameplate)
Felaw Street ('Bake office' - corner with Great Whip Street)
Felixstowe Road ('J.W. How' - corner with Salisbury Road)
Felixstowe Road ('Beaumont Terrace')
113-115 Felixstowe Road ('Deans Villas A.D. 1869') also on our Felixstowe Rd page
137-143 Felixstowe Road ('Chevallier Terrace 1880')
137-143 Felixstowe Rd ('Burroughes Bros' at rear of Lamden Gallery)
159 Felixstowe Road ('Chemist')
183 Felixstowe Road ('P.J. Prentice')
188 Felixstowe Road ('Royal Oak House 1895' and an uncovered 'Hawards Bakers' sign)
between 227 and 235 Felixstowe Road (Oxford Villas F.L.S. 1887')
338 Felixstowe Road, ('Grindlewald')
Felixstowe Road (numbered rail bridge)
314 Foxhall Road ('J. Jones, Family... Cooked' lost sign)
Fonnereau Road/Crown Street (comparative image)
Fonnereau Road (Brett Fountain)
Fore Hamlet (Grimwade Memorial Hall)
Fore Street ('Baths')
Fore Street (The Big Query)
Fore Street 'Social Settlement' (now demolished)
1-3 Fore Street (Eagle Street/Fore Street nameplates)
32 Fore Street ('1620')
80 Fore Street ('Isaac Lord') / ('Isaac Lord continued')
2-8 Fore Street ('Martin & Newby')
17 Fore Street ('Meremayd')

24 Fore Street ('H.W. Parker' lost lettering, but the building survives)
86 Fore Street (Old Neptune Inn)
86 Fore Street (Old Neptune Inn: tavern clock/garden)
97 Fore Street ('E. J. Owles - Chemist')
Foundation Street (Richard Felaw's House – site of)
Foundation Street, Tooley's Court ('Henry Tooley...')
Foundation Street ('The Unicorn Brewery')
Foundation Street (street nameplate on side of The Unicorn)
2-16 Foxhall Road (FLS name plaques)
34 Foxhall Road ('Each For All...')
84-86 Foxhall Road, Ruskin Lifting Engineers Ltd (petrol pump)
95 Foxhall Road ('Ruskin House')
137-139 Foxhall Road ('Windermere Terrace 1904')
142 Foxhall Road ('Blue Gown Villas 1877')
160 Foxhall Road (Hope House plaques)
167 Foxhall Road ('Blooming Fuchsia')
174 Foxhall Road ('Orianda Terrace 1879')
202 Foxhall Road ('Tennyson House 1892')
314 Foxhall Road ('J. Jones Family Butcher')
389 Foxhall Road (The 'Asylum Hotel' [Heathlands])
596 Foxhall Road ('Buss Webb & Son Ltd.' drain cover)
748 Foxhall Road ('The Golf Hotel')
Foxhall Road ('Foxhall Hospital')
Foxhall Road ('Hope House' gates, plaques)
Foxhall Road (St Clements Hospital)

Foxhall Road
(numbered rail bridge)
14-16 Freehold Road 'J.T.S. 1851')
Friars Bridge Road (street nameplate)
33 Friars Road (Lost sign: 'The Friars Head' and lost road, too)
Friars Road (Lost sign: 'Grimwade Ridley & Co. 1898')
Friars Road (Lost sign: 'Walpamur')
Friars Road (the Willis monolith)
Fuchsia Lane ('The Blooming Fuchsia')
Fuchsia Lane
(numbered rail bridge)
Fuchsia Lane (street nameplate)
2 Fuchsia Row, Foxhall Road ('2011')
Gainsborough Road (street nameplate)
Gatacre Road (Ipswich Board School entrances)
Gaye Street ('TFL')
61 Geneva Road (Ipswich coat of arms on street nameplate)
66a Gibbons Street (
'Elliott Street Bakery' - corner with Elliott Street)
Gibbons Street ('Cocksedge Ipswich' drain cover)
Gibbons Street (Slavery abolitionists)
Giles Circus
Gladstone Road street nameplate
Gower Street (street nameplate)
Granville Street (Slavery abolitionists)
Great Colman Street (comparative image)
Great Gipping Street (bicycle symbol in railings)
Great Gipping Street (street nameplate)
81 Great Whip Street (launderette 'Bake Office')
Great Whip Street (street nameplate)
Grimwade Street ('St Clement's Parochial Church Hall' covered sign)
16 Grimwade Street ('GVR 1934')
52-58 Grimwade Street ('Peters Ice Cream')
81 Grimwade Street (The Captains' Houses: date, initials plaque)
The Grove, off Henley Road (street nameplate)
The Grove, off Henley Road ('Grove Cottages 1880')
Grove Lane (Byles fountain in Alexandra Park)
Gymnasium Street (street nameplate)
Hadleigh Road (milepost – near Chantry Park entrance)
Handford Road ('V.A. Marriott')
Helena Road (blue street nameplate)
1 Henley Road ('Henslow Terrace 1868')
9 Henley Road (Greyhound – lost 'phone kiosk)
Henley Road, ('Ipswich School - Mermagen House')
Henniker Road, ('Southdown, FLS – 1901')
Henniker Road, ('Valley View, FLS 1901')
Henslow Terrace F.L.S. 1902, 119-121 Henslow Road (three FLS named/dated plaques)
High Street ('Drain Rodding Point')
High Street ('1880...' - Ipswich Museum)
12 High Street ('Commerce Chambers')
Highfield Road (Castle Hill Community Centre 'AD 1893')
Humber Doucy Lane (Ipswich Rugby Club, blazon of Borough coat of arms)
Humber Doucy Lane (street nameplates)
Hutland Road ('Clean it up!')
Ipswich Square (street nameplate) in Arras, France
Island site (Lost sign: 'William Brown & Co. (Ipswich) Ltd. Timber Importers')
Ivry Street, side of Ivry House ('Pathology')
Ivry Street ('Victoria Wing' - Anglesea Heights car park)

Ivry Street ('East Suffolk Militia Depot')
Ivry Street (Ipswich School coat of arms)
14-16 Kemball Street ('Grimwood Terrace, Raymond C. Wrinch A.R.I.B.A. Archt. 1903')
June Avenue (street nameplate)
Key Street (The Bull Inn)
Key Street ('Cranfields Flour Mill')
Key Street (The New Custom House)
Key Street ('The Mill')
Key Street (St Mary-At-Quay Church)
3-7 King Street ('ISM 1707' - Swan Inn)
King Street (street names)
King Street ('Exchange Chambers')

Kings Avenue (police notice on gates)
3-5 Kings Avenue ('Byles Terrace FLS 1910')
19-21 Kings Avenue ('Alexandra Terrace FLS 1903')
39-41 Kings Avenue ('Park Terrace FLS 1908')

Kitchener Road ('Boys Entrance')
99 Lacey Street ('Morpeth House')
130 Lacey Street ('ITT1H 1869,')
Lady Lane ('Our Lady' sculpture and plaque)
Lancaster Road (street name)
Levington Road, junction with Felixstowe Road (street nameplate)
69-71 Levington Road (Coronation Cottages 1902')
Lion Street (street nameplates and painted sign)
Little Gipping Street (street nameplate)
Little Whip Street (street nameplate)
Lloyds Avenue (street nameplate)
Lloyds Avenue ('Electric House')
Lloyds Avenue ('ER' double pillar box)
Lloyds Avenue ('Odeon' cinema)
London Road ('67' milestone
outside Chantry Park)
137 London Road ('Mile End, Coleman Buildings 1836')
140 London Road ('68' milestone)
158 London Road ('Sweets & tobacco', now demolished)
7 Lower Brook Street ('Suffolk Victoria Nursing Institute...')
Lower Orwell Street ('7000GAL')
Lower Orwell Street (street nameplate)
Luther Road (Nethaniah Home for the Aged')
11-13 Luther Road (dated houses opposite Rectory Road)
Maltings Terrace (street nameplate)
5 Malvern Close ('Bedford Villas F.L.S. 1885')
12 Malvern Close, ('Heron Villas F.L.S. 1880')
Marlborough Road ('Marlborough House 1903' and a range of house name plaques)
Milton Street ('Poets Cottages')
Moat Farm Close (street nameplate)
Museum Street Methodist Church (foundation stone)
Museum Street ('GR' double pillar box beside Monsoon shop)
23 Museum Street ('Established 1833')
36 Museum Street ('R.C. Wrinch')
38 Museum Street ('Hayward Brothers' manhole cover)
40 Museum Street (Ipswich coat of arms)
40-42 Museum Street ('1905')
Myrtle Road memorial tablet
123(?) Nacton Road (dated house '1901')
Nacton Road (Crane Co gates)
Nelson Road (three named 'Cottages' scrolls)
10 Nelson Road ('Lydia Cottages 1868' scroll)
47-9 Nelson Road ('Henslow Cottages 1899')
52 Nelson Road ('Hill House 1863')
Neptune Quay/Wherry Quay (blue street nameplate)
Neptune Quay (Waterfront Building - 'Question' art installation)
New Custom House, Albion Quay ('1ft above HW')
New Cut East, Private Road (blue street nameplate)
New Cut East (street nameplate on the Harbour Master's Office)
New Cut West ('Bolenda Engineering', 'Websters Trade Yard')
Newton Road street nameplate
Newton Road ('Conservative Club')
Newton Road (St Bartholomew's Church)
Newton Road ('Tennyson House 1892': side of 202 Foxhall Road)
80 Newton Road ('Greens Cottages')
107 Newton Road ('E. Markham, Grocery County Supply Stores')
22 Norfolk Road, 'The Angel of Norfolk Street'
1 Northgate Street ('Public Library')
3-5 Northgate Street (Egerton's 'Motor Works')
7 Northgate Street (Oak House)
Northgate Street (street name)
14 Northgate Street ('14 North Gate')
15 Northgate Street ('Halberd Inn' - P.J. McGinty pub)
5A Norwich Road (Palmers Bakery)
37 Norwich Road (Serjeants Paints & Wallpapers)
46 Norwich Road ('1891' - Maharani Restaurant)
133 Norwich Road ('Beaufort Buildings')
Norwich Road milestone: junction with Chevallier Street)
Norwich Road 'Ferodo' railway bridge
293 Norwich Road: The Emperor pub
Nottidge Road (street name)

8-10 Nottidge Road ('Woodbine Cottage')
14 Nottidge Road ('Newton Cottage 1868')
Oak Lane ('Prior Memorial St Mary Le Tower Church House')
Old Cattle Market ('1620' beam and street sign)
Old Foundry Road ('Ewers Grey-Green Coaches')
Old Foundry Road ('Reading', 'Lectures')
Old Foundry Road (street nameplate)
Old Foundry Road ('...y Road')
Orford Street (street nameplate)
Orwell Place ('The Unicorn')
Orwell Place ('Martin & Newby')
1 Orwell Place  (St Pancras Church)
4a Orwell Place ('SB')
Orwell Road (
'J. Jones, Family... Cooked' vestige of lost trade sign)
4 Paget Road ('Paget Villas 1872')
1 Palmerston Road ('Le-Treport 1923')
24-26 Palmerston Road ('Home Cottage 1889')
30-32 Palmerston Road ('Khartoum Villa 1885')
22-24 Parade Road ('Parade Cottages 1895')
Park Road, stable block (mystery crest)
Parkside Avenue (street nameplates)
1 Parliament Road (street nameplate)
Park Road reservoir (Ipswich coat of arms)
Patteson Road (blue street nameplate)
Paul's Road ('Ranelagh Road Council School')
Pearce Road (Zippor Cottages 1887')
48-50 Philip Road ('Devonshire Terrace F.L.S. 1898')
7-9 Phoenix Road ('Stanley Cottages')
11-13 Phoenix Road ('Maud Cottages')
15-17 Phoenix Road, ('Alan Cottages')
Pitcairn Road ('The Lincs...', 'The Rest...')
Pleasant Row (street nameplate)
Plough Street (street nameplate)

Princes Street, Town Hall ('Police Station')
2 Princes Street, Mutual House ('Parr's Bank Ltd.', '1901' weather vane)
Fraser House, Princes Street/Museum Street ('Established 1833')
35 Princes Street ('Sun Buildings')
Princes Street ('R&W Paul' maltings)
28 Princes Street ('Britannic House')
38 Princes Street ('The Central Livery & Bait Stables...')
Princes Street (Century House, former YMCA)
84 Princes Street (NFU sculpture)
Princes Street bridge plaque
Purplett Street (street nameplate)
17-19 Purplett Street ('Purplett Terrace 1884')
Quadling Street (horse tram depot)
7-11 Queen Street ('Queens Hotel, 1970)
32 Queen Street ('Thirty Two')
Queens Way roundabout ('Queens Way' in railings)
Ranelagh Road ('J. Pooley & Co.')
23-27 Ranelagh Road ('Primrose Terrace, May 17 1883')
181-183 Ranelagh Road ('Vigilant Villas 1893')
27 Rectory Road ('Norfolk House')
56 Rectory Road (Record Reign 1897')
1 Redan Street ('Norfolk House')
Redan Street ('Cocksedge Ipswich' railings)
Rope Walk, former SCC Staff Club ('
Opus Nostrum Dirige')
Rope Walk ('Primitive Methodist Chapel')
Rose Lane ('D.B. 1862')
Rose Lane (Rose Hotel)
Rosehill Crescent ('Bishopsgarth', lost lettering)
12 Rosehill Road ('Trinity Vicarage')
174 Rosehill Road ('Alpha Place 1875')
199 Rosehill Road ('Bartholomew Villas 1895')
202, 208 Rosehill Road (house name plaques)
Rosemary Lane (street nameplate)
62-64 Roundwood Road ('1926')
125 Rushmere Road ('1908')
136Rushmere Road (Ipswich Bowls Club, blazon of Borough coat of arms)
140 Rushmere Road ('1909')
Salisbury Road ('J. W. How.')
Salisbury Road ('Cocksedge Ipswich' 'Abbott Crown St Works Ipswich' railings)
St Clements Church Lane ('Lord Nelson' gate)
St Clements Church Lane (street nameplates)
St Clements Church Lane (Suffolk Housing Soc. plaque)
St Edmund's Road (Street nameplate)
St Edmunds Place (Street nameplate)
4 St Georges Street (Globe pub – 'Cobbold's Ales & Spirits')
St Georges Street (Ipswich Museum 'A.D. 1900')
St Georges Street ('Bolton Terrace 1882)
46-48 St Georges Street ('Providence Place 1864')
St Georges Street ('Salem Chapel')
St Helens Church Lane (street nameplate)
3 St Helens Street, ('Regent')
6 St Helens Street ('1636')
12 St Helens Street ('Hales Chemist')
14-16 St Helens Street ('Turners Buildings')
60 St Helens Street ('Emeny' Newsagent, 1970s)
70-74 St Helens Street ('Dove Yard' street nameplate)
96-98 St Helens Street ('Hill Farm, Henley Co.')
St Helens Street ('Robertson's')
104 St Helens Street ('H.W. Turner')
115 St Helens Street (the Church of St Helen: foundation stone and memorial)
129 St Helens Street ('Tramway Place')
198 St Helens Street ('Grove Bakery')
200 St Helens Street ('1906': corner with Grove Lane)

St Helens Street/Argyle Street corner (IBH)
St Helens Street (collection of tramway poles)
St Helens Street, County Hall (extant K6 'phone box)
St Helens Street/corner with Jefferies Road ('British relay' box)
St Helens Street/corner with Palmerston Road ('Callander 83261')
St Helens Street, Zoar Baptist Chapel ('ZOAR')

St Margarets Green, St Margaret's Church
St Margarets Green (Saracen's Head/'Clarence House')
St Margaret's Green (street nameplate)
St Margaret's Green/Bolton Lane (street nameplates)
18 St Margaret's Green ('Countrystyle furniture' shop sign)
9a St Margarets Plain ('Bethesda')
St Margarets Plain (street nameplate)
24 St Margarets Plain (Tau cross: The Old Pack Horse Inn)
2 St Margarets Street (Northgate Street street nameplate)
St Margarets Street (former Bar Fontaine/Prince of Orange)
St Margarets Street ('Philips & Piper...')
70-72 St Matthews St 'Half Moon & Stars plaque)
73 St Matthews Street (Alexander House: blue plaque)
St Mary-Le-Tower churchyard ('Egertons' - back of night club, 3-5 Northgate Street)
St Nicholas Street (street nameplate)
47 St Nicholas Street (Curson Lodge)
47 St Nicholas Street ('J. Dean, Maker, Putney')
St Peters Dock (street nameplate)
1 St Peters Street (Wolsey statue)
5-7 St Peters Street (vestige of 'Cobbolds' lettering, Rose Hotel)
8 St Peters Street (The Sailors Rest)
9 St Peters Street (The Thomas Wolsey pub)
St Peters Street (jct. Silent Street - 'Victorian' pillar box)
St Peters Street (St Peters Hall)
St. Peters Wharf (blue street nameplate)

15-17 Russell Road (Borough council offices - coat of arms)
17 St Stephens Church Lane (The Sun Inn / 'Atfield & Daughter')
St Stephens Church Lane
St Stephen churchyard (Sir Thomas Rush's 'R' on bressumer beam)
St Stephen's Lane
Salthouse Street (Old Jewish cemetery)
27 Seymour Road/Rectory Road ('Norfolk House')
24-26 Schreiber Road ('Bristol Terrace F.L.S. 1904')
25-27 Schreiber Road ('Geneva Cottages 1903')
44-46 Schreiber Road ('Curzon Terrace F.L.S. 1903')
64-66 Schreiber Road ('Durbar Terrace F.L.S. 1903')
84-86 Schreiber Road ('Schreiber Terrace F.L.S. 1902')
1 Sherrington Road ('Home & Industry (Contractors) Ltd')
Sherrington Road ('Broomhil Open Air Swimming Pool')
Shire Hall Yard (street nameplate)
Ship Launch Road (blue street nameplate)
11 Silent Street ('Merchant House' transplanted)
Silent Street (historic bird's eye view)
Silent Street (Curson Lodge)
Silent Street (street nameplate)
Slade Street ('PARTABLE WALL[?] 1812' mystery tablet)
Smart Street (school signs)
4-8 Soane Street (Tau symbol: Freemason's Hall)
South Street (street nameplate)
12-14 Spring Road ('Congress Terrace 1878. W.G.')
161-163 Spring Road ('St. Giles's Terrace')
291 Spring Road (Boys School 1873)
Star Lane (enhanced street sign)
Station Street ('Ipswich Loco Men's Club & Institute')
55 Station Street ('Jubilee Bakery 1887')
Stevenson Road (street nameplate)
1-3 Stoke Street ('The Old Bell Inn')
Stoke Street, The People's Hall ('Stoke Hall')
Stoke Hall Road, Stoke Street
Stoke Park Drive (Bourne Park)
32/32a Suffolk Road ('Suffolk Road Stores...' - corner with Tuddenham Avenue)
Surrey Road/London Road ('Sweets & Tobacco')
2 Surbiton Road '
Telolmakouta House 1897'
Tacket Street (Tankard Inn, Salvation Army Citadel)
1-5 Tacket Street ('G.W.H. 1934')
Tacket Street ('Price' also 'Price's Boots' - corner with Lower Brook Street)
4 Tacket Street (
'the laughing onion')
30 Tacket Street ('E. Brand & Sons')
Tacket Street (Christ Church URC/Baptist plaques)
Tankard Street see Tacket Street
7 Tavern Street (Wootton's shop signs)
17 Tavern Street ('R Boby Engineer')
43 Tavern Street ('Great White Horse Hotel')
44 Tavern Street (Ipswich coat of arms)
50-52 Tavern Street ('Croydon's Jewellers')
9 Thoroughfare ('Cornhill Chambers')
Thoroughfare ('Bank')
Thoroughfare ('1935' rain hopper)
4 Tomline Road ('Ivy House')
83 Tomline Road ('Marlborough House, 1891')
Tomline Road (Rosehill Library)
Tower Street (St Mary-Le-Tower weather vane)
7 Tuddenham Avenue ('S.Shanks')
75 Tuddenham Road ('Mobberley' named brick)
Tuddenham Road (numbered rail bridge)
Turret Lane (street nameplate)
Tyler Street (street nameplate)
14/16 Tyler Street ('1884' Tyler Terrace)
Upper Barclay Street ('Barnes of Ipswich Ltd.' - Cox Lane car park)
12 Upper Brook Street ('Symonds For Kodaks')
13 Upper Brook Street ('Cock & Pye', 'Posada')
41 Upper Brook Street ('CTC')
Upper Brook Street/Dog's Head Street (Ipswich Building Society crest)
Upper Orwell Courts (street nameplate)
10 Upper Orwell Street ('1903' former Duke of Kent pub)
63 Upper Orwell Street ('Palmers Door Mats')
75 Upper Orwell Street (street nameplate)
Upper Orwell Street ('Barnes of Ipswich' at rear of empty store)
Upper Orwell Street (Crane metal relief and garden)
Upper Orwell Street (St Michael Church)
Union Street ('Charles Court')
Vere Gardens (street nameplate)
Vernon Street (The Old Bell)
Vernon Street (Co-op) actually 89 Austin Street
39 Vernon Street ('Methodist Mission Room')
198 Vernon Street ('Uncle Tom's Cabin')
Victory Road, St John's School ('Roundwood' plaque)
The Walk ('1885' rainwater spouting)
19 Warrington Road ('WS 1900')
31 Warwick Road ('Ardire Villa A.D.1883')
35 Warwick Road ('R.E & S.C, Nov. 12.1880')
Waterloo Road ('IHC' on All Saints Church)
Waterloo Road ('Thornley Place')
Waterworks Street ('Ragged Boys School')
Waterworks Street (Waterworks Street Cottages)
Watts Court (off Foundation Street: vestigial street sign)
West End Road
Pumping station ('1988')
62 Wellesley Road ('The British Flag Stores')
26 Westerfield Road ('Ipswich High School')
Westerfield Road (carnser)
Westerfield Road entrance to Christchurch Park (Cabmen's shelter '1892')
10-14 Westgate Street ('Crown & Anchor Hotel')
11-13 Westgate Street ('19EH22')
16-26 Westgate Street ('Marks & Spencer')
59-61 Westgate Street ('Bretts')
Wet Dock ('Isaac Lord')
Wet Dock ('John Good'/Salthouse Harbour Hotel)
Wet Dock (R&W Paul, Burtons, Customs House)
Wherry Lane ('Isaac Lord')
Wherry Lane (the lost cannon)
3 Wherry Quay (plaque)
Wherry Quay/Neptune Quay (blue street nameplate)
Wherstead Road/Station Street junction (H.G. Clarke Gardens plaque)
15 Wherstead Road (Christ's Hospital Buildings')
49 Wherstead Road (C.J. Hawes shop)
487 Wherstead Road ('Wherstead Rd. Garage')
501 Wherstead Road ('Wherstead' red bricks)
542-544 Wherstead Road ('Teddy's Terrace 1925')
570-572 Wherstead Road ('Ostrich Terrace 1925')
Wherstead Road (Bourne Park, Archway Cottage)
Wilberforce Street (Primitive Methodist Chapel foundation stones)
Wilberforce Street (Slavery abolitonists)
Wingfield Street (street nameplate)
Withipoll Street (street nameplates)
Wolsey Street (Lost sign: 'Kent Blaxhill')

Wolsey Street (Lost sign: 'William Brown & Co. (Ipswich) Ltd. Timber Importers')
Wolsey Street (Lost sign: 'Zulu Inn')
Woodbridge Road ('Confectionery Works' - formerly Greens builder's merchant)
Woodbridge Road ('Shaftesbury Villas')
Woodbridge Road/St Helens Street junction ('Odeon' ghost sign)
1 Woodbridge Road ('1928')
3-5 Woodbridge Road ('69' milestone - outside Mulberry Tree)
3-5 Woodbridge Road ('Mulberry Tree')
15-17 Woodbridge Road (ICA crest/mottos)
61 Woodbridge Road
(O.S. benchmark - corner with Christchurch Street)
90 Woodbridge Road (Atlas House)
104 Woodbridge Road (Horse & Groom)
114 Woodbridge Road (Mary's)
150 Woodbridge Road ('ICWW' drain cover)
165-7 Woodbridge Road ('Vicarage')
169-171 Woodbridge Road ('Harmony Square' 'Hanover Court' entry)
170 Woodbridge Road (Rhynwick Lodge/The Casino)
228-236 Woodbridge Road ('Belle Vue Villas 1891')
Woodbridge Road ('St John's Lodge')
179 Woodbridge Road ('Connaught Buildings 1878')
192 Woodbridge Road (Fire Hydrant)
193 Woodbridge Road ('Farringdon Villas')
193 Woodbridge Road – pavement outside ('Ipswich Corporation Electricty Dept. Mains Disconnecting Box')
207 Woodbridge Road (opp. Duke of York - defunct post box)
207 Woodbridge Road ('Connaught House 1887')
212 Woodbridge Road, The Duke of York (engraved glass lettering)
near 212 Woodbridge Road (Derby Lodge capstone)
228/230 Woodbridge Road ('ICWW' drain cover)
325 Woodbridge Road ('70' milestone)
372 Woodbridge Road (St H, B, 1900)
375-377 Woodbridge Road ('Salisbury Terrace 1899')
382 Woodbridge Road('British Relay' box)
394-396 Woodbridge Road ('Red House Villa, 1866')
398 Woodbridge Road ('1881')
438 Woodbridge Road (The Golden Key)
544-550 Woodbridge Road ('Shortis Motorist's Discount Store')
691 Woodbridge Road ('1911', "Barclays tollhouse")
Woodbridge Road (numbered rail bridge)
Woodbridge Road East ('71' milestone - outside filling station)

Woodville Road ('Infants': Clifford Road Primary School)
Wykes Bishop Street ('Ransomes 1919)'
Wykes Bishop Street (street nameplate)
73 Wykes Bishop Street (former Happy Return public house)
York Road ('Burroughes Bros')
York Road (street nameplate)
11-13 York Road ('York Terrace')
61-63 York Road ('Berry's Terrace')
66 York Road ('Clement Cottages')

Related pages:
House name plaque examples: Alston Road; Bramford Road; Cauldwell Hall Road; Cavendish Street; Marlborough Road; Rosehill area;
Ipswich & Suffolk Freehold Land Society (F.L.S.); California;
Origins of street names in Ipswich; Streets named after slavery abolitionists;
Dated buildings list; Dated buildings examples;
Named buildings list; Named (& sometimes dated) buildings examples;
Borough guidelines on street and house naming and numbering
Street nameplate; Street nameplates on posts; Examples of Street nameplates (Parliament Road etc.);
Ropewalks; Brickyards
Ipswich Tomorrow, Greyfriars 1960s

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©2004 Copyright throughout the Ipswich Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
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