2015 images
Winterbourne Cottages carry the name of Winterbourne House
which is documented in 1895 as the original home of the branch library
Rosehill (see our Rosehill Library
case study). A branch library of the Victoria Free
Library (at the Museum, High Street) 'comprising 450 books was started
at Winterbourne House, Alston Road, through the kindness of Mr R.E.
Adams, who besides lending the room, has undertaken to act as honorary
librarian'. It is difficult to imagine one of the four cottages seen
below providing a room for a public library, albeit with limited
opening hours (Mon. evening, Friday evening, Wednesday afternoon), so
was there a larger 'Winterbourne House' in the road which offered the
infant library a home? Eventually funds were raised to
build the branch in Tomline Road, which opened in 1905.

Above: Winterbourne Cottages from the Rosehill Road end.

Above: Winterbourne Cottages from Felixstowe
Road end, note modern in-fill house with integral garage between them
and numbers 49/51. Modern detached house beyond them at
number 63, built in the rear garden of the corner house (128 Rosehill
Road) – see the 1883 map shown below.
The Suffolk Record Office (Ref. HE402/1/1905/22) lists records as
follows: "Twenty seven houses in Ipswich: 55 Alston Road known as Winterbourne House,
59 & 61 Alston Road known as Winterbourne Cottages; 32, 34
& 36 Alan Road known as Crowland Buildings; 2 - 12 (even) White Elm
Street; 1 & 3 Waterworks Street; 10 - 20 (even) Gower Street; 117,
119 & 121 Rectory Road, known as Britannia Place; 123, 125 &
127 Rectory Road and 74 Station Street Vendor: trustee of the will of
Mr Thomas Adams, deceased. Annotated. [dated 29 June 1905]" One
assumes that Mr Thomas Adams is related to Mr R.E. Adams who ran the
Rosehill branch library from a room in 'Winterbourne House' (no. 55)
from 1895 to 1905.
Alston Road house names
(numbers/names in italics appear on the 1883 map below)
5: Alston House [later build, double-fronted house; no plaque, name in
stained glass above front door]
17-23: Woolpit Cottages 1879
[plaque above nos. 19-21]
25-31: Gestingthorpe Cottages 1896 [plaque above nos. 27-29]
33-39: Ebenezer Cottages
[partially obscured plaque above nos. 35-37]
41-45: Olive Villas [plaque above no. 43]
55-61: Winterbourne Cottages 1879
[plaque above nos. 57-59]
34-54: East End Terrace 1875/8?
[plaque above nos. 44-46]
30-36: Aberdeen Cottages 1876
[plaque above nos. 32-34]
14-20: Alston Cottages [plaque
above nos. 16-18]

Below: comparison of Alston Road (see Street
name derivations) on the 1883 map compared to today's view (note
that a modern house has since been built in the gap at no. 12). 21st
numbering has been transferred across to the 1883 map for
identification of buildings with name plaques. Winterbourne Cottages
can be seen at nos. 55 to 61.
1883 map and 2013
Related pages:
name plaque examples: Bramford Road;
Hill Road; Burlington
Cauldwell Hall Road; Cavendish Street; Marlborough Road;
Rosehill area;
Rosehill Library case study;
Rosehill churches;
Margaret Hancock's
research on the history of the Rosehill area;
Ipswich & Suffolk Freehold Land
Society (F.L.S.); California;
Street index; Origins of street names
in Ipswich; Streets named after slavery
Dated buildings list; Dated buildings examples;
buildings list;
Named (& sometimes dated) buildings
Street nameplate examples; Brickyards.
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Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
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