Dated buildings and

Dates are painted, carved and
moulded on buildings and structures all over the town. This page aims
to list those on the site
chronologically in one place.
'1549' Christchurch Mansion (front elevation)
'1550' Christchurch Mansion (monogrammed
roundel, east elevation)
'1564' Christchurch Mansion (roundel high on
west elevation)
'1590' 4 College Street (with 'BA' merchant's
'1620' Old Cattle Market
'1620' 132-4 Fore Street shop
'1623' dated
bressummer beam in Ipswich Museum's store
'1631' Captains Houses, Grimwade Street
'1632' Bolton Lane, Garratt
Memorial Hall
'1636' St Helens Street
'1636' Isaac
Lord house, 80 Fore Street
'1639' Neptune
Inn, 86 Fore Street
'1651/1771' dated bressummer beam from 98 Fore Street- in
Ipswich Museum's store
'1665' Christchurch Park water spout
'1667' The
Wrestlers, Bolton Lane
'1700' Sailor's Rest, St Peters Street
'1707' The
Swan Inn, King Street
'1737' St Margaret's Church clockface
'1760' Mrs
Smith's Alms Houses, Elm Street
'1778' St Margaret's Church clockface
'1789' St
Jude's Brewery
'1799' St Lawrence Church, Dial Lane, weather vane
'1822' 1-3a Carr Street, Santander
'1817' Albion Street (now John Street)
'1830' Mile
End, Handford Road
'1833' 23
'1834' Midland Bank, Tavern Street
'1836' Coleman Buildings, Mile End, 137
London Road
'1837' County Hall, St Helens Street
'1839' Primitive Methodist Chapel, Rope Walk
'1849' Parade Field Terrace, 12 Belvedere Road
'1849, 1903' Ragged Boys School, Waterworks Street
'1849, 1900' Ragged Girls School, Bond Street
'1851' Kossouth Cottage, Freehold Road
'1852' Brett Fountain, Christchurch Park
East Suffolk Militia depot, Ivry Street
'1861' Tooley's Almshouse, Foundation Street
'1862' Rose Lane
'1863' Hill House,
Nelson Road
'1864' Providence Place, 46-48 St Georges Street
'1866' Red
House Villa, 394/6
Woodbridge Road
'1868' Henslow Terrace, 1 Henley Road
'1868' ('Lydia Cottages') 10 Nelson Road
'1869' Grimwade
Hall, Back Hamlet
'1869' Deans Villas, 113
Felixstowe Road
'1869, ITT1H' 130 Lacey Street
'1869, 1870' F.L.S. houses (Glyde, Whitethorn, Nelson's Cottages),
Nelson Road
'1870' Industrial
Villa, 33-35 Dillwyn Street
'1870' Santiago Villas, 31-33 Christchurch
'1870' Methodist Mission Room, Vernon Street
'1872' Argyle Street School
'1872' Paget Villas, 4 Paget Road
'1872' Plantation
House, 11-13 Burlington Road
'1873' Spring Road Boys' School
'1873' (1897)' Martin & Newby, Fore Street
'1874' Clarkson Street Chapel
'1874, 1900' Christ Church, Tacket Street
'1875, 1890' E.Brand & Sons, Tacket Street
[obscured], East End Terrace, 34-54 Alston
'1875' Grey Coat Boys' & Blue Coat Girls' School,
Currier's Lane
'1875' Regent Terrace, J.J. Head. Builder, 55-57
Alan Road
'1875' Alpha Place, 174
Rosehill Road
'1876' Aberdeen Cottages, 30-36 Alston Road
'1876' Batemans
Villa A.D., 103 Newton Road
'1876' Morpeth
Villa, Alpe Street
'1876' St
George's Terrace, 310-12 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1877 etc.' Alan Road Methodist Church
'1877' Blue Gown Villas, 142
Foxhall Road
'1877' Cumberland
Terrace, 21-23
Cumberland Street
'1877' Freehold
Terrace A.D. 172-174 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1877' Orwell
Cottages, S H, 18-20
Newton Road
'1877' Woolpit Cottages, 17-23 Alston
'1878' (2002)' Co-op store, Vernon Street
'1878' Persevering
Terrace, 196-198 Bramford Lane
'1878' Prospect
Cottages, 467-469
Bramford Road
Cottages, 38-40 York Road
'1879' Commercial Buildings AD,
443 Bramford
'1879' Orianda Terrace, 174
Foxhall Road
Cottages, 55-61
Alston Road
'1880' Chevallier
Terrace, 137-143 Felixstowe Road
'1880' Grove Cottages, The Grove
'1880' Ipswich
Museum, High Street
'1880' Heron Villas F.L.S., 12 Malvern Close
'1880' 35 Warwick Road ('Nov. 12. 1880')
'1881' 398
Woodbridge Road
'1882' Bolton Terrace 1882, 17 St
Georges Street
'1882' Devonion Cottages,
269-271 Cavendish Street
'1882' Hope
House, 160 Foxhall Road
'1882' Kentish Terrace, 294? Cavendish Street
'1882' Lorrimore
Villas 98-100 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1883' AD 1883, 328 Bramford Road
'1883' Ardire Villa A.D. 31
Warwick Road
'1883' Bilney
Cottages , 5-7 Newton Road
'1883' Cyclamen
York Road
'1883' Primrose Terrace 17 May 17 1883, 23-27
Ranelagh Road
'1884' Christ's
Hospital Buildings, Wherstead Road
'1884' Co-operative
store, Cox Lane
'1884' Pleasant
Villas, R.S., 336 Bramford Road
'1884' Purplett Terrace, Purplett Street
'1884' Tramway Place. St Helens Street
'1884' Tyler Terrace, Tyler Street
'1885' Bedford Villas F.L.S., 5 Malvern Close
'1885' Khartoum Villa 1885,
30-32 Palmerston Road
'1885' Morpeth House boundary wall, Lacey Street
'1885' The
Walk, rainwater spout
'1887' Connaught Buildings, 179 Woodbridge Road
'1887' Connaught House, 207 Woodbridge Road
'1887' Jubilee
Bakery, 55 Station Street
'1887' Oxford Villas F.L.S., between 227 and 235
Felixstowe Road
'1887' St Clement's Congregational Church
tablet, Back Hamlet
'1888' Farringdon Villas, 193 Woodbridge
'1888' 6/8
Carr Street
'1888' Gatacre Road School
'1889' Home Cottage, 24a Palmerston Road
'1890' Nethaniah Home for the Aged, Luther Road
Cottages 125-127 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1891' AlpineVillas, 14-16 Belle
Vue Road
'1891' Belle Vue Villas
228-236 Woodbridge Road
'1891' Bourne bridge
'1891' Claremont Terrace,
79-81 Belle Vue Road
'1891' Florence Terrace, 43-45 Belle Vue Road
'1891' Garden
Villas 256-258 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1891' Hillside
Villas , 6-8 Belle
Vue Road
'1891' Ivy Villas, 50-52
Belle Vue Road
'1891' La Belle Villas, 55-57
Belle Vue Road
'1891' Marlborough House, 83 Tomline Road
'1891' Maharani
Restaurant, 46 Norwich Road
'1891' Morel Villas
Hall Road
'1891' Orchard
Villas 252 and 254 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1891' Tel
El Kebir Cottage, 360
Bramford Road
'1891' Valley-View
Villas, 22-24
Belle Vue Road
'1891' Viaduct Terrace, 58-60 Belle Vue
'1892' Cabmen's shelter, Christchurch Park
'1892' Honiton House F.L.S,
Cromwell Square
'1892' Tennyson House, 202 Foxhall Road
'1893' Byculla Villas , 31-33
Belle Vue Road
'1893' Carrefour Selous, 91
Belle Vue Road
'1893' Castle Hill Community Centre, Highfield Road
'1893' Landsdowne
Cottages, 40-42 Upper Cavendish Street
'1893' May Villas, 40
Belle Vue Road
'1893' Paxton Buildings F.L.S., 273-275 Cavendish Street
'1893' Trinity Cottages, 237-239 Cavendish
'1893' Morpeth House billiard room, Lacey Street
'1893' Vigilant
Villas, 181-183
Ranelagh Road
'1894' Fore Street baths
'1894' Tolly Cobbold Brewery, Cliff Quay,
weather vane
'1894' Wherstead Church lych gate
'1894' Zagazig House, 256
Bramford Road
'1895' Bartholomew Villas, Rosehill Road
'1895' Belmont Villa 1895,
252 Bramford Road
'1895' 5-7 Bolton Lane
'1895' Cavendish Buildings, 265 Cavendish
'1895' Royal Oak House, 188
Felixstowe Road
'1895' Clifton Villas, 117-119 Cavendish
'1895' Florence
Villas 195-197 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1895' Gestingthorpe Cottages, 25-31 Alston Road
'1895' Grange
Terrace 287-289 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1895' Minton Terrace F.L.S., 175-177
Cavendish Street
'1895' Parade Cottages, 22-24 Parade
'1896' Ceylon Buildings, 189 Cavendish Street
'1896' Co-op
depot, Cauldwell Hall Road
'1896' Plemont, 30
Belle Vue Road
'1896' 11-13 Luther Road
'1896' 113 Cauldwell Hall
'1897' Cornfield,
F.L.S., 389-391Bramford
'1897' Crown & Anchor Hotel, Westgate
'1897' Klondyke
Terrace, 304-306 Cavendish Street
'1897' Mishama House, 254 Bramford Road
'1897' Record Reign, 56 Rectory Road
'1897' Telolmakouta House, 2 Surbiton Road
'1897' Victoria
Terrace 299-301 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1898' Constantine
Terrace F.L.S. ,
427-429 Bramford Road
'1898' Devonshire Terrace F.L.S., 48-50 Philip
'1898' Lost sign: 'Griwade Ridley & Co.
Friars Road
'1899' Chester
Villas 212 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1899' Grosvenor
Villas, F.L.S., 345-347
Bramford Road
'1899' Henslow Cottages, 47-49 Nelson Road
'1899' Omdurman Cottages,
216-218 Bramford Lane
'1899' Pembroke
Villas 217 and 219 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1899' St
Johns Terrace 298-300 Cauldwell
Hall Road
'1899' Salisbury Terrace 1899, 375-7 Woodbridge Road
'1900' Ipswich
Museum extension, St Georges Street
'1900' 19
Warrington Road
'1900' 201-203
Cauldwell Hall
'1900' 54 Buttermarket (on Upper Brook Street)
'1900' St Matthew's Hall, Clarkson Street
'1901, (1906)' 28 Princes Street
'1901' 123 Nacton Road
'1901' Southdown,
FLS, Henniker
'1901' Valley View, FLS,
Henniker Road
'1902' Coronation Cottages, 69-71 Levington
'1902' Conservative Club, Newton Road
'1902' Henslow Terrace F.L.S., 1 Henslow Road
'1902' Henslow Terrace F.L.S., 119-121
Henslow Road
'1902' Kenmore, 29 Crabbe Street
Lodge 257
Hall Road
'1903' Orford Villas FLS, 5-7 Broom Hill Road
Graham Villas
Broom Hill Road
'1903' Geneva Cottages, 25-27
Schreiber Road
'1903' Curzon Terrace F.L.S., 44-46
Schreiber Road
'1903' former Co-op funeral director's, Upper Orwell
'1902' Durbar Terrace F.L.S., 64-66
Schreiber Road
'1902' Schreiber Terrace F.L.S., 84-86
Schreiber Road
'1903' Alexandra Terrace F.L.S. 1903, 19-21
Kings Avenue
'1903' Marlborough House, Marlborough Road (and a range of Marlborough Road house name
'1903' Victoria Nursing Institute, Lower Brook
'1903/1904' 5-9 Arcade Street rainhoppers
'1904' Grove Terrace FLS, 29-31 Broom Hill Road
Maple Terrace, FLS 1904,
Broom Hill Road
'1904' 6-6a
Corhill (Grimwade's)
'1904' Grove Bakery, 198 St Helens Street
'1904' 72 Bolton Lane
'1904' Bristol Terrace F.L.S., 24-26 Schreiber Road
'1904' Windermere Terrace, 137-139 Foxhall Road
'1905' Pine Terrace,
Broom Hill Road
'1905' 40-42
Museum St
'1905' Byles fountain, Alexandra Park
'1906 (2005)' Co-op store,
Foxhall Road
'1906' 200 St Helens Street
'1908' Co-op
store, Carr Street
'1908' Park Terrace F.L.S. 1908, 39-41 Kings
'1908' 125 Rushmere Road
'1909' 140 Rushmere Road
'1910' Byles Terrace F.L.S. 1910, 3-5 Kings
'1910' StanleyVillas, 12-14
Newton Road
'1911' "Barclays
tollhouse", 691 Woodbridge Road
'1911' St
Peter's Hall, St Peters Street (plaque and rain hoppers)
'1912' Birkett's
Terrace, 318-318
Bramford Road
'1914' Shafto
Terrace, FLS, 476-478
Bramford Road
'1914' Wm. Paul Tenement Trust,
1-8 Felaw Street
'1922' 11 Westgate Street
'1923' Le-Treport, 1 Palmerston Road
'1924' Public
Library, Northgate Street
'1924' Wm. Paul Tenement Trust, Back Hamlet
'1927' Bourne Park gates
'1928' Chantry Park gates
'1928, 1930' The Lincs, The
Rest, Pitcairn Road
'1911' St
Peter's Hall, St Peter's Street
'1919' Ransomes Electric Lorry Garage, Wykes Bishop
'1919' Ransomes works,
Cliff Road
'1925' Ostrich
Terrace, 570-572
Wherstead Road
'1925' Teddy's
Terrace, 542-544 Wherstead Road
'1926' 62-64 Roundwood Road
'1927' Thirza, 537 Bramford Road
'1927' Thompson's
Dwellings, 522-524
Bramford Road
'1927' Princes
Street bridge
'1928' 1 Woodbridge Road
'1928' Wilson's
Dwellings, 710-712
Bramford Road
'1934' 16 Grimwade Street ('GVR 1934')
'1934' 1-5
Tacket Street
'1935' Thoroughfare (dated rain hopper)
'1939' Cranfield Court Tuddenham Road
'1954' Wm. Paul Tenement Trust,
1-8 Stoke Street
'1977' Crane
gardens and metal relief, Upper Orwell Street
'1988' Pumping station, West End Road
'1993' Giles
statue, Giles Circus
'1994' 40-44 Butter Market
'2000' The Willis monolith, off Friars Road
'2011' 2 Fuchsia Row, Foxhall Road
Related pages:
Dated buildings
examples; Dated
rain-hoppers/weather vanes;
buildings list;
Named (& sometimes dated) buildings
Borough guidelines
on street
and house naming and numbering;
name plaque examples: Alston Road;
Bramford Road;
Cauldwell Hall Road; Cavendish Street; Marlborough Road; Rosehill area;
Ipswich & Suffolk Freehold Land
Society (F.L.S.); California
Street index; Origins of street names
in Ipswich; Streets named after slavery
Street nameplate examples; Brickyards;
You may be interested in a discussion of the "oldest inhabited
building" in Ipswich on our page about St
Mary-at-Elms and its cottage and the original Isaac
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