Poets Cottages
38-46 Milton Street

These cottages pre-date the Freehold Land Society's
California Estate development of housing
to the east of Ipswich. It is interesting to envisage the landscape
here before the FLS development started in 1850. These small farm
workers' cottages would have stood more-or-less alone surrounded
by the sheep fields of the Cauldwell Hall estate. Presumably a track
from Spring Road gave access to the cottages and the FLS followed the
line and built the roadway into California's grid-iron of streets.
S.P.R. 81.

Related pages:
name plaque examples: Alston Road;
Bramford Road;
Cauldwell Hall Road; Cavendish Street; Marlborough Road; Rosehill area;
Ipswich & Suffolk Freehold Land
Society (F.L.S.); Rosehill
case study;
Street index; Origins of street names
in Ipswich; Streets named after slavery
Dated buildings list; Dated buildings examples;
buildings list;
Named (& sometimes dated) buildings
Street nameplate examples; Brickyards
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Historic Lettering site: Borin Van Loon
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